The angles are uniformly distributed.
Parametric analysis on PHFB under uniformly distributed loads is made.
Is this the best way to get a bounded, random result, uniformly distributed over a column value?
So, if I've got positive charge uniformly distributed, look at the choice. It's a brilliant experiment.
This can't make sense because the plum pudding model says you've got uniformly distributed charge.
Distributed load is regarded as polynomial function or uniformly distributed moment all ng the edge.
The distributed load is regarded as polynomial function or uniformly distributed moment along the edge.
The plastic deformation could promote matrix T1 precipitation and make it refined and uniformly distributed.
The plate is subjected to a uniformly distributed rectangular load pulse and Simply-supported along its edge.
The default number of bins may be adequate if the data is uniformly distributed across the domain of values for that column.
With a new clustering protocol, all representative nodes are divided into several clusters which uniformly distributed.
This random variable can be derived from a (0, 1) uniformly distributed random variable according to a given distribution.
When you have determined that the table contains data that is not uniformly distributed, run RUNSTATS with the WITH DISTRIBUTION clause.
Nonlinear bending of an annular sandwich plate under the action of a line load uniformly distributed along the inner edge is discussed.
A model for analyzing the large deflection of an elastic cantilever beam with constraint under uniformly distributed load was established.
If the column cardinality is 5 and yet MAX_FREQ is far more than 20%, that means the data in the table is not uniformly distributed on the column.
如果列基数为5并且MAX_FRE q远大于20%,那说明表中的数据不是根据列均匀分布的。
The bending problem of a cantilever beam made of transversely isotropic piezoelectricity medium under uniformly distributed loading is studied.
Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of relative depth estimation for regions with uniformly distributed and unstructured texture.
White noise tending to Gaussian distribution is implemented by summing uniformly distributed random numbers according to the central limit theorem.
The billets with uniformly distributed microstructure in rheo-casting are beneficial to obtaining the A356 alloy die castings with perfect quality.
流变压铸试片的组织分布很均匀,利于获得高质量的半固态a 356合金压铸件。
Johnson noise is uniformly distributed over a wide frequency range, so reducing the noise bandwidth effectively decreases the noise in the measurement.
The conditions for ion trapping are studied in the case of uniformly distributed electron bunches and bunch trains in storage rings based on the linear theory.
The uniformly distributed region of the magnetic field of Helmholtz coils has been used in many instruments for physical experiments without definite limitation.
In this paper the behavior, failure models and ultimate bearing capacity of the two-span continuous wall-beams under the uniformly distributed load is presented.
Because, if you look at this molecule, you say that, well, the electrons are a little bit closer to the right than to the left so the charge is not uniformly distributed.
With increasing riser height, the average solid holdup at various axial locations of the riser decreases and becomes more uniformly distributed along the riser height.
The results show that, for relatively shallow embedded tunnel, a big error would occur if the surrounding rock pressure of the vault is regarded as uniformly distributed.
Research funding tends to be more uniformly distributed among different universities than in the us or England, creating less obvious differences in quality between institutions.
The analytic expressions of deflection and displacement of the beams for various boundary conditions were obtained under combined electric field and uniformly distributed load.
The analytic expressions of deflection and displacement of the beams for various boundary conditions were obtained under combined electric field and uniformly distributed load.