Its unique artistic charm of future generations also have far-reaching implications.
Movies with its unique artistic charm in People's Daily life play an increasingly important role.
Xue Tao's poems have the unique artistic charm, unfold the mind world makes one exclaim in surprise.
Trough the descriptions of dreams, these two have got the perfect completion of unique artistic charm.
The Chinese traditional operas show the unique artistic charm for their distinctive national characteristics.
"Op" as a classic tradition of instrumental music, its unique artistic charm won many people's love and appreciation.
Also hope that through the "d Major Piano Concerto," this work of research, to experience the unique artistic charm of Haydn.
However, they show obvious differences because of different national soils. So each of them has its own unique artistic charm.
Watermark prints and Chinese painting Chinese unique artistic charm will continue to bloom in the world art scene bright light.
Sand animation image and scene that texture to create its unique artistic charm, it enhances the animated reality and closeness.
Si Nai'an, the author of "The Water Margin, " has given each of the 108 characters a name, a nickname or even two, which forms the unique artistic charm of the novel.
Since the eastern han xu shen said wen jie zi "(hereinafter referred to as the" shuo wen jie zi "), with its unique artistic charm in a wide range of influence on the society."
And what the artistic value is highest is the art song, and these art song until today, no matter what has own unique artistic charm, Sings frequently makes a sound in each big stage.
Key cultural relics have Ruicheng Yongle Palace, its architecture is not only unique, but the Yuan Dynasty has a huge beautiful murals, the artistic charm of its superb world known.
As one branch of Chinese classical gardens, the literati garden has unique traits and artistic charm from its forming process to the garden itself.
We can not only bring you a taste of the charm of an ancient folk art, but also let you personally experience the magic of art and unique dyeing creativity, and the fun of artistic life.
Strive to bring each item made a perfect work of art, so that customers from the wave point to appreciate the works of the unique wisdom, the pursuit of artistic charm and character.
English advertising unique language charm, advertising English language to be artistic charm and sell organic combination of the business.
Hopes to sort out and compare, to the artistic charm of this literary style full display to the world, and let this unique artistic model can be inherited and transmitted.
The artistic form and characteristics of Huxiang folk painting thoroughly manifest its unique charm.
The second, the texture of the brushwork reflect the personality charm and unique artistic style of artists, it's a expression for emotion of artists during painting.
The combination of music and dance with food and drink can bring artistic life. The writer discusses this combination and states the unique charm of Chinese food culture.
In the third phrase, she has already established her own artistic style, a romantic and nostalgic surrealistic style that is endowed with unique Oriental charm.
You can experience its unique cultural charm while improve your health to defend oneself and reduce weight. In addition, you can enhance your artistic culture too.
You can experience its unique cultural charm while improve your health to defend oneself and reduce weight. In addition, you can enhance your artistic culture too.