Dr Martin Young, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said: 'The first meal you have appears to programme your metabolism for the rest of the day.
In fact, those with glaucoma are 38 percent more likely to have had a thyroid condition at some point in their life, said the study authors, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham [Lynn Holt et al.] note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family's health issues.
Vivian Friedman, a professor and clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham school of medicine also doubts that a research study could ever settle the spanking debate.
阿拉巴马大学(University of Alabama)伯明翰分校医学院的教授、临床心理学家弗莱德曼(Vivian Friedman)也认为仅靠一份研究不足以永久平息围绕打孩子问题的争议。
DAVID SWEATT (University of Alabama at Birmingham) : the work that's going on in the laboratory.
But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family's health issues.
But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family's health issues.