He now teaches at the University of Michigan Law School in Ann Arbor.
He holds a bachelors degree and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School.
In June 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court decided two admissions cases involving the University of Michigan (UM), the undergraduate program (Gratz v. Bollinger), and the Law School (Grutter v. Bollinger).
2003年6月,美国最高法院判决了两宗密歇根大学(UM)入学纠纷的案例,分别涉及本科生院(Grat z v . B ollinger)和法学院(Grutter v .Bollinger)。
Wang gained his bachelor degree of law from Peking University in 1984, and his LLM from the law School of Michigan University, USA in 1998.
Dr. Samuel Kupper received his Ph. D. in Chinese studies from the University of Michigan in 1972 and his J. D. degree from the Loyola University School of Law in Los Angeles in 1977.
柯培圣博士1972年从密歇根大学取得中国研究专业哲学博士学位, 之后于1977年从加州洛杉矶的莱奥拉法学院毕业, 获得法学博士学位。
Dr. Samuel Kupper received his Ph. D. in Chinese studies from the University of Michigan in 1972 and his J. D. degree from the Loyola University School of Law in Los Angeles in 1977.
柯培圣博士1972年从密歇根大学取得中国研究专业哲学博士学位, 之后于1977年从加州洛杉矶的莱奥拉法学院毕业, 获得法学博士学位。