Researchers at the University of Montreal in Canada and Harvard University in Massachusetts did the study.
In the future, 300-500 French class hour certificate, have the opportunity to apply for Canada University of Montreal.
今后,有300- 500法语学时的证明,就有机会申请加拿大蒙特利尔大学。
University of Montreal scientists say in autistic people, the brain area that deal with as visual information are highly developed.
The findings may explain why people with autism have exceptional visual abilities, said the researchers at the University of Montreal.
New research from the University of Montreal suggests that compulsive behaviors like these might say more about your personality than you think.
The University of Montreal researcher said that men in their twenties do not have such a correlation because their neuronal circuits are intact.
加拿大蒙特利尔大学的研究人员说,20 来岁的年轻人就没有这种现象,因为他们神经细胞系统是完好无损的。
New research from the University of Montreal suggests that compulsive behaviors like these might say more about your personality than you think.
Yet over the past few years, Dawson has been making a name for herself as a researcher at the riviere-des-prairies hospital, part of the University of Montreal in Canada.
然而在过去几年里,道森在加拿大的蒙特利尔大学(University of Montreal)分部普腊里河(riviere - des - Prairies)医院做研究员而享有盛名。
Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund during leave. Taught at University of Montreal, Canada.
Researchers at the University of Montreal and its affiliated CHU Sainte-Justine and CHUM hospitals have linked some cases of Essential Tremor (et) to a specific genetic problem.
The finding corroborates an influential new view of early human origins advanced by Bernard Chapais, a primatologist at the University of Montreal, in his book "Primeval Kinship" (2008).
这项发现支持了最近很有影响力的、由蒙特利尔大学的灵长类学家Bernard Chapais在《原人亲属关系》(2008)中提出的关于早期人类起源的观点。
The finding corroborates an influential new view of early human origins advanced by Bernard Chapais, a primatologist at the University of Montreal, in his book "Primeval Kinship" (2008). Dr.
这项发现支持了最近很有影响力的、由蒙特利尔大学的灵长类学家Bernard Chapais在《原人亲属关系》(2008)中提出的关于早期人类起源的观点。
Everyone should strive to perform the recommended amount of exercise 30 minutes per day, five days a week, says Anil Nigam of the Montreal Heart Institute at the University of Montreal, Canada.
A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where, and how far, this decline is occurring.
Dolores Pushkar, a professor at Concordia University in Montreal, says wisdom and intelligence aren't the same thing and she estimates only 5 percent of the population can be described as truly wise.
加拿大蒙特利尔市康哥迪亚大学的教授德洛丽丝·浦西卡尔称智慧和智商是两码事。 据她估计,全世界仅有5%的人称得上具有真正的智慧。
The leader of the other study was Madhukar Pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
另一项研究的负责人是加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学流行病学家Madhukar Pai。
Carsten Wrosch from Concordia University in Montreal and Gregory Miller of the University of British Columbia studied depression in teenage girls.
蒙特利尔市肯考迪亚大学的Carsten Wrosch和英属哥伦比亚大学的GregoryMiller研究少女的抑郁。
In an oft-cited study Gad Saad and John Vongas of Concordia University in Montreal found that men's testosterone levels responded precisely to changes in how they perceived their status.
在一项被广为接受的研究中,蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学的GadSaad和John Vongas发现男性的睾丸激素水平对他们如何感受自己地位的变化有精确的反应。
The lack of obvious medical applications has also deterred funders, says Tommy Nilsson, a proteomics specialist at McGill University in Montreal.
蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University )的蛋白质组学专家汤米·尼尔森(Tommy Nilsson)表示:“对缺乏显著医学用途的项目已经停止了资助。
Despite the success of Wii Fit, "interaction via the feet has been greatly neglected," says Yon Visell at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
虽然WiiFit取得了成功,“通过脚进行互动的方式被极大得忽略了,”加拿大蒙特利尔mcgill大学的Yon Visell说道。
But Patricia McKinley of McGill University in Montreal also knew that the activity had to be something that seniors would enjoy.
The school was established in 1821, from school since McGill university in Montreal is always the pride of man.
The school was established in 1821, from school since McGill university in Montreal is always the pride of man.