Nearly 80 percent of patients with Stage 2 colon cancer do not suffer a relapse after surgery, said Dr. David J. Kerr of the University of Oxford, the lead investigator.
戴维·科尔博士说,将近80%的二期结肠癌患者手术后并不会复发。 他来自牛津大学,是该疗法的主要研究员。
"Elliptical galaxies were thought to have made all of their stars billions of years ago," said astronomer Mark Crockett of the University of Oxford, leader of the Hubble observations, in a release.
Lead researcher Dr Konstantinos Manolopoulos, of Oxford University, said: "It is shape that matters and where the fat gathers.
领导该研究的牛津大学博士Konstantinos Manolopoulos说:“体型和脂肪在哪儿聚集很重要。”
Professor Irene Tracey of Oxford University, who led the research, said: "Doctors shouldn't underestimate the significant influence that patients' negative expectations can have on outcome."
Oxford University Press said it rushed publication after worried parents, teachers and librarians struggled to answer children's questions in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
Charles Michel, a chef and researcher on food aesthetics at Oxford University, said many people instinctively adjust their plate when it is placed in front of them.
Professor Bryan Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University, called the birth "extraordinary". The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.
Said business school — the business school of the university of Oxford, is the university centre to learn business, management and finance for both undergraduates and graduates.
Professor Robert MacLaren, of Oxford University, who will carry out trials in Britain next year, said: "This is quite a breakthrough."
David Stainforth, of the University of Oxford, the study's chief scientist, said: "When I start to look at these figures, I get very worried about them."
'We're used to flu vaccines being reformulated every year because new strains come along,' said Dr Chris Scanlan of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, who led the research.
“因为我们每年都会因为有新的毒株出现而开发新的流感疫苗”,牛津大学生物化学系chris Scanlan博士说道,他领导了这项研究。
Speaking in London, Professor Richard Peto of Oxford University said if cigarette consumption could be halved by 2020, 25 million deaths could be prevented in the first quarter of the 21st century.
But Robin Dunbar at the University of Oxford, the anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist who proposed the hypothesis, said it was already known that it did not apply to carnivores.
But Robin Dunbar at the University of Oxford, the anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist who proposed the hypothesis, said it was already known that it did not apply to carnivores.