Another coauthor was Kai Miller, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle.
另一位共同作者是华盛顿大学西雅图分校的神经科学家Kai Miller。
Renee Heffron and other researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle led the study.
Ryan Kelly is an ecologist at the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs at the University of Washington in Seattle.
雷恩·凯利(Ryan Kelly)是华盛顿大学西雅图分校海洋和环境学院的一位生态学家。
There may be several reasons for the ice melt, says Jinlun Zhang, an oceanographer at the University of Washington in Seattle.
"What is being done at the Pratt is impressive," said Samantha Becker, a University of Washington in Seattle researcher in information systems.
Arianna Stoltz, center, introduces a stuffed dog, to Aibo, a robotic dog during a research demonstration at the University of Washington in Seattle.
'Using a 60-foot-long section of a Boeing 747 plane, Lot-Ek's Student Pavilion at the University of Washington in Seattle turns fuselage into function.'
"This is an important finding," according to Dr. Dimitri Christakis, the George Adkins Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Carlson started his garage lab as something of a hobby, but he needed to do it without sapping resources from his lab at the University of Washington in Seattle.
If the cells do fire in waves, that could be their way of signaling their location to other brain cells, says neuroscientist William Moody of the University of Washington in Seattle.
西雅图华盛顿大学的神经科学家威廉穆迪(William Moody)说,如果这些神经元确实是波浪式放电,那么这些神经元就可以通过这种方式向其他神经细胞发出位置信号。
Earlier this year researchers at Intel and the University of Washington, in Seattle, showed that they could power a small sensor using a TV signal 4.1 kilometres away.
In 2005, Andreas Karch of the University of Washington, Seattle, and Lisa Randall of Harvard University came up with a more mechanistic explanation of the mystery of threeness.
2005年,美国西雅图华盛顿大学的安德烈·卡奇和哈佛大学丽莎兰·德尔提出了一个更机械论观点的神秘三重性(The stateof being three)的解释。
Lee Nelson, of the University of Washington, in Seattle, suspects that everybody has a few maternal cells.
西雅图(Seattle)华盛顿大学(the University of Washington)的纳尔逊•李猜想每个人都有些母血细胞。
In 2006, Marzluff, an ecologist at the University of Washington, Seattle, was using nets to capture local crows as part of a study on how expanding crow populations were affecting other birds.
The technology has huge potential, says Babak Parviz, a researcher at the University of Washington, in Seattle, who is one of the pioneers of smart contact lenses.
University of Washington is located in Seattle, Washington, United States, and is a public research university built in 1861.
Interested in the gene's evolution, Evan Eichler, a human geneticist at the University of Washington, Seattle, and his colleagues sequenced IRGM in various species of primates.
因为对基因进化的好奇,西雅图华盛顿大学人类遗传学家Evan Eichler和他的同事,对灵长类(primates)中不同物种的IRGM基因进行了测序。
Now a group at the University of Washington, in Seattle, has come up with a concoction based on artists' ceramic powder blended with sugar and maltodextrin. The material costs less than $1 a pound.
Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade, "warns Henry Lai, Ph. D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle."
Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade, "warns Henry Lai, Ph. D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle."