When the brain is first asked to remember something, that memory is laid down in an "unstable" state, meaning that it is possible that it could be lost.
According to the study, reactivation of a memory returns it to a labile (unstable) state allowing it to be reinforced or updated.
The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a morestable state by emittingradiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.
The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a more stable state by emitting radiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.
In testing the stability of Linux kernel releases, there is a need to clearly state and document why the release is stable or unstable.
Therefore, it may be useful to be able to save a particular configuration and to be able to restore it if your server becomes unstable or if you want to restore the portal to a certain state.
These OutOfMemory exceptions are generally not fatal but still bad as they leave the process in an unstable state.
这些Out OfMemory异常通常不是致命的,但仍然很糟糕,因为它们会使进程处于一种不稳定的状态。
She is also in an extremely unstable psychological state, and it's possible an unexpected event could occur if she is released.
The stability calculation also indicates that the landslide is in a latent critical unstable state.
Mixed with mixed skin skin: the population is the basic state of skin young unstable, t word parts is oily, eye and two buccal is dry.
When the brain is first asked to remember something, the memory is laid down in an "unstable" state, meaning that it is possible that it could be lost.
When the brain is first asked to remember something, which memory is laid down in an "unstable" state, meaning that it is possible that it could be lost.
The LQR controller uses the pendulum control mode to keep the pendulum near the vertical up unstable state points and gives signals of car displacement tracking.
However, for highly aerodynamic unstable airplane, the identification algorithm can not usually be carried through due to divergence of the state equation and the sensitivity equation integration.
We find that then - phase state can be either the degenerate ground state or metastable , even unstable state depending on experimental parameters ofbecs.
The Fatimid State he inherited was every bit as unstable as the one Shawar had seized, but Saladin faced the additional challenge of being of foreign occupier.
The results show in general the atmosphere is superadiabatic unstable state and there is a phenomenon of inverse humidity forming downward vapour transportation in cloudless daytime.
This paper divides the equilibrium state of unstable system into two state: one is geometrical stable equilibrium state, the other is elastic stable equilibrium state.
In ultrafine grinding, minerals exhibit remarkable changes in crystal structure and activity and are in a highly efficient unstable state and their reaction activity is enhanced.
The results, which are very close to the ground deformation, show that each area of the survey line is in an unstable state, and the most unstable area is survey line 9.
It is shown that the factor may lead to poor robust stability of a LQ optimal regulator. Even in the optimal design state, the factor may cause the regulation system unstable.
This paper is concerned with the issue of stabilization of unstable linear interval systems by using state feedback.
Bush said in his State of the Union speech that America was "addicted to oil" - often imported from unstable parts of the world - and said he would work to address the issue.
The adjustable eccentric weight can drive to the Central Line of main shaft through motor. Under the unstable state, it produces centrifugal force that makes raw material form vortex in the sieve.
When the motion of the basic state is the shear flow (or the differential rotation), this property means that the unstable waves would evolve automatically into the quasi-stationary stage.
The results of the calculation for the unstable state pointed out the relationships between the heated rate, the time occurred and the value of maximum temperature difference in the rock sample.
The existence of actuator saturation can debase the system dynamic performance, lead the closed-loop systems to an unstable state, and have a strong impact on system normal operation.
While the particle on the bubble surface slips in unstable state, the particle can detach from the bubble surface as the bubble is disturbed slightly.
While the particle on the bubble surface slips in unstable state, the particle can detach from the bubble surface as the bubble is disturbed slightly.