And in the upcoming academic year, Northeastern students will outfit a wheelchair to take orders from a brain-computer interface.
In the upcoming exhibition, viewers will see a personal experience of human life, and a combination of Eastern and Western art.
This is a broad and somewhat fuzzy word, and we'll spend some time on it in the upcoming chapter.
Placide is a character featured in the upcoming game.
This blog is a journal of my upcoming experiments with living more simply, I hope you continue reading.
Were that or another big upcoming deal to collapse, the investment banks could expect a hail of bullets.
You can't plan to miss a class, but you can plan your studying around a big upcoming event.
As we'll see in upcoming columns, the process of OO design is really a form of semantic analysis.
My explanations are based on the OASIS SOA Reference Model standard and a draft of upcoming OASIS SOA Reference Architecture (public review version).
我的解释基于OASISSOA参考模型标准以及即将面世的OASIS SOA参考架构草案(公共复审版)。
As a result, he might not be reliably notified about upcoming events.
In a draft script for the upcoming movie "the Social Network" that I obtained from sources in the movie industry, Zuckerberg is portrayed as vindictive and naive.
If you are doing a project to implement a new website for upcoming holiday season, then schedule is of Paramount importance.
The "post-halloween document," meanwhile, told users what to expect from the upcoming 2.6 kernel (see Resources for a link).
同时,“post-halloween文档”告诉用户即将到来的 2.6内核有哪些可期待的东西(参阅参考资料中的链接)。
Stephen Colebourne has proposed that the upcoming JCP vote could be a measure of where executive committee members stand on the Oracle-IBM decision.
StephenColebourne 曾提出,在即将到来的JCP投票中,将会看出对Oracle-IBM 决策,执行委员会成员的立场。
Google made a splash late yesterday with the announcement of its upcoming Chrome OS, a lightweight and web-centric operating system based on Linux with which they hope to conquer the netbook market.
The guard nods and the men place the water bottles on a table intended for an upcoming speech.
Rapp was considering a bungee jump himself during an upcoming summer trip to Norway.
She says only a few bookings for the upcoming Christmas holiday have been canceled.
He says Beijing as a venue and the performance of the British team there provides a great springboard for the upcoming London games.
For example, a project leader can solicit and receive quick feedback from fellow team members about a topic, such as their upcoming vacation time.
In an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters, a team reports that the variations in radio signal coincide with the intensity of the planet's auroras.
It can be a single script, but as the upcoming example shows, the simplest use is to amend the existing script environment to add test scenarios.
He spoke of a recent breakup with a long-term boyfriend, someone he had not yet met the last time I saw him, and then about an upcoming performance of a piece he had choreographed.
Also on the site is a list of our school recruiters and upcoming on campus events.
The database, which will be unveiled in upcoming weeks, "will crack that circle a little wider, " he says.
Using the time to write more test specs for upcoming stories, doing a little analysis, or cleaning up something that you've been meaning to do would be better.
If you're worried about an upcoming event or stewing over a conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating comfort food instead of dealing with the painful situation.
If you're worried about an upcoming event or stewing over a conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating comfort food instead of dealing with the painful situation.