The automatically updating program can detect the new version, download the updating file, automatically backup and rollback.
This DDL can then be executed directly against a server updating the database specification, or stored as a file for distrubution across the enterprise.
Figure 3 shows the flow of updating and synchronizing the file using the fine-grained update feature.
Before describing how to synchronize your project with the CVS repository, let's look at committing and updating a single file.
You can combine this with the HTTP implementation to provide a lightweight service to serve up the contents of a file, updating the data returned as the file content is modified.
Best of all, if you use the automatic method, bringing all your machines up to date is simply a case of updating the application selection file with the later versions of the build directories.
Unique to this article is the information on installing and updating the product using a batch file, and the end-to-end presentation of the required steps in order to use this method.
This includes updating the file or record format using data structures or the RPG built-in function % FIELDS.
Create templates from the File menu when you are working on a template and would like to save your progress, or when you're updating an existing template.
Tip 2: Create templates from the File menu when you are working on a template and would like to save your progress, or when you're updating an existing template.
Do this by creating or updating the help.xml file for your plug-in.
可以通过为您的插件创建或者更新help . xml文件来实现。
Once you have tested the business logic, you can integrate your beans into your workflow application by updating the XML configuration file.
Compiling the module and updating the configuration file.
The XML file for updating the portlet should be included with the portlet and can be saves as part of the version control.
If you have a large number of similar native structures, you can replicate the code generation to use the exact same options for each structure simply by updating a few fields in the Ant file.
After making the modifications to the j2ee-server-plan.xml file, recompiling, and updating your server deployment, you'll have a server specifically secured to your needs.
对j2ee - server - plan . xml文件进行修改之后,重新编译并更新服务器部署,您将具有一个专门满足您需要的服务器。
An action performs some function such as starting a batch job, transferring a file, updating a database or calling into a J2EE application.
As you can see, the plug-in editor guides you through the steps of creating your plug-in definition and plug-in extension definitions, automatically updating the plugin.xml file.
正如您所见,插件编辑器将引导您执行创建插件定义和插件扩展定义的步骤,自动更新plugin . xml文件。
Unlike the current TiVo systems, the MediaMVP doesn't make any particular effort to keep you from updating and/or replacing the contents of its file system.
与当前的TiVo系统不同,MediaMVP 未过多地考虑使您免于更新和/或替换其文件系统的内容。
You can achieve this by importing the JAR file into your workspace and then updating the Web services client's project properties to include it as a dependent JAR file.
If your project has more than a few people working on it or has a large documentation set, updating a single table of contents (toc.xml) file can become impractical.
如果您的项目有多人参与工作,或者有大量的文档,那么更新单个目录文件(toc . xml)会变得不切实际。
You do this by updating the corresponding values in Apache's
Ant does this by creating and updating the entries in a file named
Apache Ant是通过创建和更新一个名为tct _ build_info . properties的文件的条目来实现的。
As stated in Creating a policy.xml file for updating Rational product Updater, updates for Rational product Updater must be installed first and separately before installing updates for the product.
如创建用于更新RationalProductUpdater的policy . xml文件中,Rational Product Updater的更新必须在安装产品更新之前首先分别安装。
Creating a policy.xml file for updating Rational Product updater.
创建一个用于更新RationalProduct Updater的policy . xml文件。
Support file existence checking and URL checking when updating shortcut to database.
Through the test, the application programs realize the function of creating, and updating DICOM file set and the management of DICOM files by resorting to the DICOMDIR file.
Because the access and modification times on a file can be set, you can "prevent" them from updating by just rolling them back. Listing 6-6 demonstrates how.
因为文件的访问时间和修改时间可以被设置,所以简单地把它们倒回去就可以“禁止”被更新。清单6 - 6做个示范。
During the medical consultation your doctor will be taking notes and updating your case file - you should be doing the same.
During the medical consultation your doctor will be taking notes and updating your case file - you should be doing the same.