The bank drew up a fresh index to get around the knotty problem of defining "urban"; this new measure puts the world's city-dwelling population at about 47% in 2000.
Europe's urban problem lies with stagnant or slow-growing population levels, and in the south at least, very weak economies.
Owing to the over population in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity, the crime rate is also a huge problem we are faced with.
Europe "s urban problem lies with stagnant or slow-growing population levels, and in the south at least, very weak economies."
Population expansion in modern cities caused the problem as the house crowding, the traffic jam, and urban environment worsening and so on.
Most China cities have been facing the problem of water scarcity, which will become more serious as the urban population expands in the rapid urbanization process.
The city scope and the population density have developed very fast in the recent 30 years. Therefore, architects face the problem of how to come out a successful design of urban housing.
The city scope and the population density have developed very fast in the recent 30 years. Therefore, architects face the problem of how to come out a successful design of urban housing.