When you use a wizard to create a recordset for a table (at design time), you can choose which columns of the table to represent in the recordset.
If you use the integration wizard shown in Figure 1, you can switch between projects and import one project at a time.
You might need to set up a sample database manually if you did not specify one to be created during the wizard installation. We will use this database in the article.
This invokes a wizard that you can use to define analytics, analytic collections, and analytic reports.
The first is to use the interactive wizard to create a new user, shown in Listings 4 and 5.
第一种方法是使用交互式向导创建一个新用户,如清单4和5 所示。
You might have noticed that the integration test client will prompt you to select a server location when you run a test; you can also use that dialog box to bring up the New Server wizard.
The adapter pattern wizard, in a nutshell, covers 80% of the general use cases for the adapters.
简而言之,适配器模式向导涵盖 80%的一般适配器使用情况。
You can also use what the wizard produces as the starting point to implement a full application: the wizard generates the models, too, not just the code.
You are then prompted to specify which data to use for the report in a wizard.
After using a wizard to allow the user to select which service and port to use from the WSDL description, you see the dialog box shown in Figure 4.
Use the standard Eclipse mechanism to add a class with the new class wizard, as in Figure 19.
You can use OAT's four part wizard to add a server to an er domain.
You can use the "Create new database" button to launch a wizard for creating DB2 databases.
您可以使用“Createnewdatabase”按钮启动一个用于创建DB 2数据库的向导。
Now that the workspace is built, you need to use the new human task wizard to create a human task to implement the ApproveOrder interface.
Use the Distributed scan root wizard to create a new scan root or to edit an existing scan root.
To create a setting you need to use the New File wizard to create a Settings bundle in the Resources folder.
In this section, you'll use the Web service wizard to create a client proxy for your StockQuote Web service, that is, the code that a Web application USES to call the Web service.
在这一节,您将使用Web服务向导为您的Stockquote Web服务创建一个客户机代理,即Web应用程序用于调用Web服务的代码。
When you use the Web service wizard to create a new Web service, the wizard creates the corresponding WSDL file.
Note that the wizard does not use a complex algorithm (as of version 6.0.1) and you need to validate the generated XML.
To do this, you use the Eclipse Plug-In project wizard to create a new project called sample_derby, which is based on the Hello World template (see Figure 2).
为此,请使用EclipsePlug - InProject向导创建一个名为sample_derby的新项目,该项目将基于Hello World模板(参见图2)。
Next, you'll use the Web service wizard to turn the StockQuote class into a Web service.
Use the OmniFind database crawler wizard to configure a crawler to access the VSAM content through the nickname.
And when you want to use a Web service in a Web application, you just point the Web service wizard to the WSDL file, and the wizard creates the client proxy to locate and invoke the service.
Finally, the second page of the Microsoft Office Project Wizard allows you to choose whether to use an existing document or to create a new one.
When you use WebSphere Adapters, a redesigned wizard simplifies and improves usability.
The most common use case in IBM Rational Application Developer is to create a new project with a wizard.
IBMRationalApplication Developer中最普遍的用例是使用一个向导来创建一个新的项目。
Use the Create a Storage Area wizard to create the storage areas you want to use for this policy.
Find an application that could use a little kick, and add a dash of Ajax to a user form or wizard.
In Step 1 of the wizard (Figure 5), type a name for the analytic (for this example, use High License Cost), and then click Next.
It is a good practice to use the Wizard option called Define custom mapping for namespace to package.
一个不错的做法是使用向导选项Definecustommapping fornamespace to package。