I used to like you, but not now, because you make me feel a knock at the keyboard tears feeling.
That seemed a good many people to like—when you were not used to liking.
My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one you're wearing around your neck.
They were used to outline figures to show boundaries just like you might use solid lines in a pencil drawing.
I don't care what you used to be like.
Teddy said, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to."
Miss Brown smiled, "You sound just like a girl who used to live here."
Still, like I used to tell you, no conclusions based on assumptions.
With demand exceeding supply, if you like pecans, you'd better get used to the high prices, too.
I also presented a brief explanation of an alignment process used to recover legacy translations, illustrating how you can use other related standards like XLIFF to help solve a common problem.
If you need 15 bytes, ask for 15 bytes; don't round it up to 32 bytes or some other bigger chunk like you used to do when you used malloc.
Although our examples have used simple text files for illustration, you will seldom want to use xargs with input like this.
"If you talk to a lot of 20th century composers, they'll tend to tell you what we like is arbitrary and it's just determined by what we're used to hearing," he says.
Within the launch configuration, you can set things like arguments and have control over which JRE is used to launch your application.
A club used to be like your house, where you could say something and it would stay there.
And you can enlarge the panels too, which is useful for us oldsters who can't read like we used to.
Dining alone may well be one the most awkward times of solo travel but like anything the more you do it the more you get used to it.
Subjects who picked an apple over chocolate were more irritated by ads that used words like "you ought to" or "need to," which sound controlling.
If you would like to synchronize over the Internet, a backward route for the used port number must be installed.
Baby, when we go to Louisiana this time, Grandpa won't be able to play with you like he used to.
"There were lots of rules, like no cooking and not being loud, but you get used to it," she says.
In summary, get used to looking at people and make deliberate eye contact with people you like.
The whole thing is frightening to start with, daunting and sometimes boring but it's like coming off a drug, coming down from something and you have to get used to it.
Try not to say things like "in my old job I used to do this". That could make you seem too aggressive or even annoying.
Your audience doesn't care whether you look like your mother, and they're used to hearing your voice.
This is hard to get used to, especially if you have kids who like to get up early, but there is always a way to make it happen!
You're obviously used to doing this when you attach events to things, and for simple things like attaching classes in certain situations.
Even if you haven't used a C-like language very much, you might still be able to follow the examples.
Even if you haven't used a C-like language very much, you might still be able to follow the examples.