To solve the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard, accounting is characterized decision usefulness and the validity of contract.
Because the information useful in decision-making cannot ensure the validity of contract, there is a inconsistency between decision usefulness and validity of contract.
Lender's using of accounting information is not only a theoretical issue about the accounting information usefulness for decision making but also a practical problem in bank credit risk management.
The paper further investigates our extant problem of accounting information disclosure system of listed company such as inadequate, lack of timeliness, usefulness poor decision-making etc.
Considering the new reality, the developing tendency and the new task of accounting of colleges and universities, we should hold a decision-usefulness view.
So it could improve the decision usefulness of accounting information to measure the trading securities and available for sale securities by fair value which can be measured reliably.
Finally, the reduction of fault diagnosis decision-table by the program is achieved and the results show the effectiveness and usefulness of the approach by testing the concrete example.
In this paper, an example of decision training for exchanging stocks were used to show the usefulness of computational verb decision tree to data mining historical records of dynamical processes.
In this paper, an example of decision training for exchanging stocks were used to show the usefulness of computational verb decision tree to data mining historical records of dynamical processes.