A User Defined Function (UDF) may be used instead.
And writing a simple SQL User Defined Function (UDF) that USES dynamic SQL to convert the formula passed in the string and calculate the value.
The solution for aggregation of timestamp durations is to use TIMESTAMPDIFF, a built-in UDF (user defined function) that is included with DB2 UDB, as shown in the following example.
解决持续时间的聚合问题可以使用TIMESTAMPDIFF,如下面的样本实例中所显示,它是使用DB2UDB 实现的嵌入式 UDF(用户定义的功能)。
This function accepts a pointer to a user space buffer, a pointer to a kernel buffer, and a length defined in bytes.
The conversion of geometries to their SVG representation is performed by the DB2 database server with the help of a new user-defined function.
将几何图形转换成其相应的SVG表示,这是由DB 2数据在一个新的用户定义函数帮助下完成的。
In order to specify the command that the new task should run, enter multiple SQL statements separated by semicolons or a user-defined function here which is executed at every task run time.
An operation can be a relational operator, a system - or user-defined function, or an SQL operator, such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on.
操作可以是一个关系运算符,或者系统或用户定义的函数,也可以是一个sql操作符,例如GROUPBY、ORDER BY等。
This variable specifies the size (in 4 KB pages) of the pool used for fenced routine invocations, such as stored procedure or user-defined function calls.
To write a user-defined function for INET_ATON() could be error prone or tedious.
为 INET_ATON()编写一个用户定义函数很容易出错,并且过程很繁琐。
In the final step, the user-defined function (UDF) itself is evaluated to filter out all false positive candidates, in other words, remove all non-equal strings.
If, however, a creative and mischievous soul edits a bad file name in his browser's address bar, the error404 function (defined above) will inform the user of it.
The user ID that is issuing the binary deploy is not defined to the RACF program control the _login function to switch users failed.
发出二进制部署的用户ID在RACF程序控制中没有定义。用于切换用户的_ login函数调用失败。
Alternatively, you might implement the input (collection resolver) as a user defined XPath 2.0 extension function that was more specific like.
另外,也可以将输入(集合解析器)实现为一个用户定义的、更特定的XPath 2.0扩展函数,如下所示。
Listing 4 illustrates a very simple invocation of the user-defined function that transforms JSON into JSONx.
In addition, you can create a user-defined trace by sending a string to the soltrace.out file by using the writetrace function in the procedure: writetrace (string VARCHAR).
此外,可以通过在过程中使用writetrace函数,向soltrace . out文件发送一个字符串,从而创建一个用户定义的跟踪:writetrace (string VARCHAR)。
This article has shown you how to implement re-queuing using using new function in WebSphere Message Broker V6, including timeout processing and user-defined properties.
本文说明了如何利用WebSphereMessageBrokerV6 中的新功能来实现重排队,包括超时处理和用户定义的属性。
Listing 7 demonstrates how this works with a user-defined function named contains.
When you use DB2 v9.7 to run the JSONx bundle, you use two other new features to produce the output: indexing on the view and an XML user-defined function.
当使用DB 2V9.7运行JSON x包时,您将使用另外两个新特性生成输出:视图索引和XML用户定义函数。
The clear_user function is used to zero a block of memory in user space. This function takes a pointer in user space and a size to zero, which is defined in bytes.
In order to do this, the basic idea is to create a combined user-defined function that first invokes the model creation process and that then extracts the rules and returns them as a result set.
In such cases, it's usually a good idea to refactor the code out into a user-defined function, which the key-mapping can then call.
This namespace declaration is required for any application that USES the library since the user-defined function has to be in a certain namespace.
We provided a user-defined function ST_AsSVG for that, which you can install in your DB2 system and use for such tasks.
为此,我们提供了一个用户定义函数 ST_AsSVG,可以将该函数安装到DB2系统中,并用于上述任务。
I4GL_FUNCTION Unique user-defined function name containing the auto-generated code to consume a Web service.
Now you need to define the function attached to the Paste button defined in Listing 2, so when the user clicks the button, the form is filled in.
Finally, if used outside of the use-when attribute, it can also detect if a user-defined stylesheet function is supported.
最后,如果在use - when属性之外使用,还可以检查是否支持用户定义的样式表函数。
The user-defined predicate is associated to the function equalString, as shown in italics in Listing 5.
用户定义谓词被关联到函数equalString,如清单 5中的斜体 部分所示。
DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) user-defined functions (UDFs) allow you to extend the built-in functions of DB2 by adding your own function definitions.
DB 2UniversalDatabase (DB 2UDB)用户定义函数(user - defined functions,UDF)允许您添加自己的函数定义,从而扩展db2的内置函数。
The following SQL script contains the source code for creating the Calculate user-defined function (UDF).
下列的sql脚本包含用来创建Calculate user- defined function (udf)的源代码。
User-defined function to convert geometries to SVG.