In addition to a specific user owner, every file and directory also has a group owner.
The user must use the host systems file access controls on the directory configured for user Exits Path to ensure that the library is not vulnerable.
The user directory stores file details and user access data.
CLC sends request to the user directory to verify user access to the file.
For example, a trusted program could create a file in such a directory, and an untrusted user could delete and rename.
Copy that file to a local directory and make the necessary database changes that I described earlier (user name, password, and host).
The script is passed the index of the file the user wants to expand, so it has to list the directory again and get the appropriate file name.
Using ACL gives more control on who can and cannot access or execute a file or directory; that is determined by the extended permissions that can be given to a file on a user or group basis.
The user running the program doesn't have permission to access a file, directory, and so forth.
If set for a directory, it permits only the owning user or the superuser (root) to delete or unlink a file.
如果设置一个目录,它只允许有所有权的用户或者superuser (root)删除或者解除文件链接。
The Domino Directory typically keeps information recent and up-to-date, because authentication process USES this information and many user and server initiated tasks access this central file.
For example, if a gadget attempted to delete a file in the System32 directory, the delete operation would not succeed and no elevation prompt would be shown to the user.
举个例子,如果Gadget试图删掉System 32系统目录中的一个文件,虽然此操作会失败,但不会给予最终用户任何提示。
Informix server will then generate a file named sqexplain.out in your user home directory which will record the detailed query execution plan and its costs as we talked about above.
然后,Informix服务器将在用户home目录中生成一个名为sqexplain . out的文件,正如上面谈到的,其中将记录详细的查询执行计划及其成本。
Listing 9 shows how user Greg could set up a directory that all users of the development group could use, along with an example of how user Gretchen could create a file in the directory.
There will be no progress bar visible nor any comments to let the user know when the collection is complete therefore check the Microsoft Windows temp directory for the completed file.
Now (you no longer need to be root, and you can type exit to get back to being user jack) you can go to the directory where you created chmod.txt and copy the file to the floppy with.
现在(你不再需要是root用户,可以键入exit退出成为jack用户),你可以到你创建chmod . txt的目录下,复制该文件到软盘,键入。
This way, when a user visits /Products/, IIS will inspect the directory, see that there exists a file named Default.aspx, and then hand off processing to the ASP.NET engine.
这样,当用户访问 /Products/ 时,IIS将检测目录,查看是否存在一个名为 Default.aspx 的文件,然后将处理过程传递给 ASP.NET引擎。
from the file server and it goes after the root.cell volume directly, and only when a user tries to access the directory under which the volume root.cell is mounted.
它并不会从文件服务器加载卷root.afs,而是会直接设法获得 root.cell 卷,并且仅当用户试图访问挂载卷 root.cell 的目录时获得该卷。
The complete source code of the user interface is included in the file BizFlexClient.mxml in the Flex project source directory to which you unzipped
解压 BizFlexClient.zip的Flex项目源代码目录中的BizFlexClient.mxml文件包含用户界面的完整源代码。
Bash keeps a record of what the user has typed exactly and writes it to a hidden file called.bash_history within the user's home directory.
bash会准确地记录用户输入的命令,并把记录写到用户主目录中的隐藏文件. bash_history中。
You may use the ldapsearch utility to export user information into a file (which is ldifde for Microsoft Active Directory and idsldapsearch for IBM Tivoli Directory Server).
可以使用ldapsearch实用程序将用户信息导出到文件中(Microsoft Active Directory 使用 ldifde,IBMTivoliDirectoryServer使用 idsldapsearch)。
If a user does not have permission to write in the directory, a core file will not be created.
Users are managed either from file-based user and group security files or populated from a Lightweight directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory.
When you do that, the Rational Application Framework for WebSphere will use the resource configuration file stored in the user\environments\
Access control is the method for the control of user to access file, directory, port, or even protocol.
Network Storage also allows the user to the file, directory management, but also can compress files to save space.
This will bring up the new file dialog which allows the user to select the directory and file name.
OBEX (object Exchange), a user-oriented protocol in Bluetooth stack, provides a united criterion for putting and getting data objects (File and Directory) simply and flexibly.
OBEX (object Exchange), a user-oriented protocol in Bluetooth stack, provides a united criterion for putting and getting data objects (File and Directory) simply and flexibly.