With the token of the legitimate user in hand, the attacker can proceed to act as the user in interaction with the site, thus to impersonate the user.
You login as the client manager and select the name of the user that you would like to impersonate.
There are, of course, things we can do to ameliorate these security concerns to a degree, the fact remains that we are explicitly allowing someone to impersonate a user.
If an LTPA token is successfully captured, the thief can impersonate the user identified until it expires.
If a user's Kerberos password is stolen by an attacker, then the attacker can impersonate that user.
After creating the root object and making changes to the properties of any object accessed through it, your code should not impersonate a different user.
Describes how to use the EXECUTE AS clause to impersonate another user.
描述如何使用EXECUTE A s子句来模拟另一用户。
The server (and developers/ops) never receives the user private key and cannot impersonate the user.
The server (and developers/ops) never receives the user private key and cannot impersonate the user.