The end user password is not passed in the HTTP header.
The user password is sent to the centralized server to prove the user's identifications.
To validate credentials, the user password is hashed using the MD5 algorithm and compared to the stored value.
为了验证认证,会使用MD 5演算法杂凑使用者密码,并与储存值做比较。
To validate credentials, the user password is hashed using the SHA1 algorithm and compared to the stored value.
The database user password is always prompted to the user as a required input because the password is never persisted for security reasons.
The user is presented with a username/password dialog box.
The client's identity is sent as the user name (with no password), because basic authentication is used.
The initial password of a user keystore is the user login password.
If they match, then the user tokens are updated and the password is changed.
The user name and password is used to login against the first administrative subsystem, and the job will run.
Once this time allotment has ended, the user is prompted for the password again to re-run the command.
As long as users choose passwords that are sufficiently difficult for others to guess, the combination of a user name and password is usually enough to establish identity.
If the LDAP directory finds that the password is correct, the user is said to be bound with the LDAP directory.
The client's user ID and password for accessing the federated database is mapped to a remote user ID and password.
Notice that the new user is created with a default password that is the same as the user ID.
Run the following commands from a command prompt, where is the user id in use, is the users password.
Do not select the Requires authentication check box, and do not enter a user ID and password if security is not?
For this connection, Mary is the user identifier and contrary is the password.
The password for all user IDs password is xxx (Figure 52).
For GSS-API or Kerberos, this is the password that is used to get the user credential.
对于GSS - API或Kerberos,这是用于获得用户凭证的密码。
If the user is submitting his user name and password, then a new xmlrpc_client object is initialized with the URL and TCP port number.
如果用户正在提交他的用户名称和密码,那么使用URL和tcp端口号初始化一个新的xmlrpc _ client对象。
Enter the required user information, type the password that is valid for the user name that you supplied, and click Next
输入您所需要的用户信息,输入您所提供用户有效的密码,并点击 Next
The record in Listing 1 is for a user called guest1, whose user ID is guest1 and password is welcome.
Next, the user "ibmeng" is created, and the password is set for the user using chpasswd.
The DB2 universal driver always requires a user name and password so, for this connection, Mary is the user identifier and contrary is the password.
DB 2universal要求有用户名和密码,对于该连接,用户标识符和密码分别是Mary和contrary。
To register an administrative user, enter the following at the server console (where uadmin is the user id, and padmin is the password)
要注册一名管理员用户,请在服务器控制台中输入下面的命令(其中uadmin是用户id,padmin 是口令)
Now log in with the User ID created above. (Remember that your password is the same as your User ID).
(a key store for an user is created when a password is set for that user).
For example, the user is presented with a login screen, in which the user name and password is entered.
For example, the user is presented with a login screen, in which the user name and password is entered.