Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word.
Actual benchmark testing of a particular algorithm of interest to you, using a representative data set, would tell you what you need to know.
If you know the details about what you are searching for, then what is keeping you from using advanced search and being a so-called power user?
Using this method, you can at least know (or guess, rather) what TCP segment sizes are likely to be passed through without getting fragmented at the IP level.
I need to know what did you accomplish when using these skills.
If you've been using Chrome as your main browser, I'd love to know how's the experience and what made you switch.
You’re willing to take massive action. (3) You know what’s working or not, and (4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way.
After you know what actions to perform on the controls, you need to sift through your information and figure out how to tell them to perform these actions, using the language they understand.
In this article, you will examine a case where you want to know what kind of web browser your users are using.
Using these locks and gates is fairly straightforward once you know what they're for.
"Do you know what the price of oil will be in five years if they're not using electric cars?" Agassi asks.
Also, let me know what you think if you've been using the Community Tech Preview (CTP) release.
Make sure you have all necessary info, know what criteria you're using to make the decision, and then make the decision immediately.
This process is somewhat like using a language dictionary in another country, in that you know what you want to say, so you just need to find the correct translation.
However, what if the script or commands that you are using naturally output error information that you want to be able to use and report on but that you don't always want to know about?
Charles Xavier: How do you know I'm not using my powers?... All right, you've piqued my interest. What do you want?
Now that you know what the feed looks like, and have all of the common parts in place, take a look at how to parse this feed using the various technologies available on Android.
But I humbly submit that you should at least know what they are — otherwise how will you know when you should be using them?
Read some colons cleanse reviews on products using organic and natural ingredients and you will know what I mean.
So consider this: if you've been using the wrong words in your personal and business communications, how can you expect anyone to know what you really want?
An interesting approach to using a story you know well is to think about what is left out of the story and re-write it.
For instance, when I talk to you using this symbol, it is also mine. you know what it means?
What if this person is insulting you in a language you don't understand, or is using words you don't know the meaning of?
If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is. The more common name for this disorder is hoarseness.
Know what to say if asked what make and model of instrument you play, what kind of mouthpiece or reed you are using, etc.
You have to give accomplishments. I need to know what did you accomplish when using these skills.
This social media seminar will teach you what you need to know to promote your brand using social media and to begin conversations with your customers in online marketplace.
It seems there is a greener alternative to traditional dry cleaning but at a high price - AND you have to know enough to ask what methods your dry cleaner is using.
It seems there is a greener alternative to traditional dry cleaning but at a high price - AND you have to know enough to ask what methods your dry cleaner is using.