Back to the technical track, Reis broke down the list of usual quality consideration suspects when it comes to polysilicon.
As such, it has not undergone our usual quality assurance processes, and at times may not feel as polished or complete as an official release.
Maybe she has so much work to do and so many headaches, so she cannot be so darling like usual. That time is the time when we need to show our most noble quality, the way we want ourselves to be.
This allows the grid to service these with the usual grid quality of service and performance and it completely decouples the single instance database from the read and write profile operations.
There is the usual inclusion of curious buzz-phrases with "grow the beard", an informal term meaning to show a marked improvement in quality.
和往常一样,新录入词典的词中还包括一些有趣的时髦词,如“长胡子”(growthe beard),它是一种用于表示质量明显提高的非正式说法。
As usual, one has two choices: either detect regressions in quality when they happen or prevent such problems from occurring before they are integrated.
I'm not talking about the usual chains-i'm talking places that make quality brews and service an art.
我说的不少一般连锁店~ ~我说得是那些用质量说话,把服务当成是艺术的地方。
The usual star of the Thanksgiving Day feast, roast Turkey, could suffer in quality as a result.
The sudden appearance of higher-quality goods suggests that officials are being less zealous than usual in enforcing the export rules, for fear of causing job losses.
The difference in quality is no more than usual and indeed unavoidable in this line of goods.
The difference in quality is no more than usual and indeed unavoidable in this line of goods.
The air filter element should be replaced after cleaning 3 times, and the cleaning cycle can be determined by the air quality of the usual control area.
Italy is synonymous with quality not only regarding usual Italian export sectors (fashion, furniture, food products), but also in such sectors as mechanics, engineering and technology, he noted.
It is not usual to find this information in British Standards, as the latter are instruments of quality control, rather than design AIDS.
The ram pump service life's length, with the usual maintenance maintenance, hydraulic fluid quantity and the quality, the fat liquor cleanliness and so on concerns.
Eutrophication of water quality of raw water results in algae multiply greatly, affects usual water treatment.
The quality and the usual problem of the dry cured ham such as flavor, texture and color is also analyzed, and then the method to improve the quality is emphasized.
As a usual, when you make a product presentation, you need to give the following information: the scale, the color, the size, the quality, the use, the price.
The main affection factors, the atmospheric quality models and the usual computing proceed of the atmospheric pollutant environment capacity of the area were summarized.
Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management.
谈判混为一谈,也不能由于 劳资 双方通常的敌对关系而受到影响。
This paper discussed a kind of usual method in quality of life appraisal, that was how to formulate a specific quality of life scale and its assessment method.
Although the transplantation procedure was more difficult than usual in these patients, most achieved prolonged survival and a good quality of life.
The paper's high standards of writing and the quality and style of its presentation of news and opinion won for it worldwide respect far beyond the usual lot of a provincial newspaper.
This topic embarking from the usual classroom instruction, mainly studies relationship between ink receptivity of paper and quality of printing product.
The usual used assignment forms are introduced. The author discusses his own thoughts from four aspects namely "quality", "quantity", "form", and "modifying".
The usual used assignment forms are introduced. The author discusses his own thoughts from four aspects namely "quality", "quantity", "form", and "modifying".