You pass a formula used as a predicate to see if it is a valid rule for the element.
You will receive an error message if the second column does not contain a valid numeric data value. Set the column formula to.
The Certification Formula is valid for three years starting from the day it is issued by the taxation authority.
An improved mixed-mode method was proposed, and the revised formula of calculating the valid elastic modulus of composites was given.
The LUHN formula can be used by a business to make sure a credit card is valid before sending the number for debit authorization.
This modification of the formula shows that the formula of ductile burst internal pressure strength with Capped-Open condition is valid.
The author reviews the activity coefficient formula employed by some famous international speciation calculation programs and compares their advantages, disadvantages and their valid range.
The projection matrix, operational formula, FOETEAN program and experimental results show that this algorithm is convenient and valid for dealing with minute displacement and deform…
The projection matrix, operational formula, FOETEAN program and experimental results show that this algorithm is convenient and valid for dealing with minute displacement and deform…