The figures aren't adjusted for seasonal variations.
They're gradual variations but their effects can be pretty abrupt.
Variations in wood density affect vibrations, and therefore, sound.
Some suggest that variations in the Sun's energy output could account for the ice ages.
In fact, dams are primarily a strategy for dealing with annual variations in water levels.
The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people's hair.
Geomagnetic activity, the natural variations in Earth's magnetic field, it fluctuates in 11-year cycles.
There is a growing body of opinion that both these physical variations have a measurable impact on the climate.
I have some quick questions about how to write up the research project I did this semester—about climate variations.
It turned out that Watson and Venter shared fewer variations in their genetic sequences than they each shared with Kim.
Since play fighting includes variations in speed and intensity, and quick role reversals involved with self-handicapping.
These data have established a strong connection between variations in the Earth's orbit and the periodicity of the ice ages.
Also included will be any variations that have arisen from volcanic activity, solar activity, and, possibly, human activities.
The spread of flu by carrier is akin to flying people or birds, meaning regional variations can spread quickly around the world.
Milankovitch proposed in the early twentieth century that the ice ages were caused by variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
We are close to a knowledge of annual summer and winter temperature variations over much of the northern hemisphere going back 600 years.
The first specimens were just plain old red tulips, but they could be bred into some extraordinary variations, like the dark purple tulip.
The Hap Map contains samples from 11 populations and consists of readings of the DNA at specific sites along the genome where variations are common.
Constant variations in the amount of sunlight available on Earth at any given location make energy storage a necessary design feature of terrestrial solar-energy systems.
Central to hereditarian science is a tall claim: that identifiable variations in genetic sequences can predict an individual's aptness to learn, reason and solve problems.
Now it is generally believed that the sample from Devil's Hole corresponds to variations in local climate, in the western United States, rather than global climate changes.
It says that variations in earth's movements, specifically in its orbit around the sun, these variations lead to differences in the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.
For sometime this theory was considered untestable, largely because there was no sufficiently precise chronology of the ice ages with which the orbital variations could be matched.
It is important to note that other factors, such as volcanic particulates or variations in the amount of sunlight received by the Earth, could potentially have affected the climate.
In contrast, high-frequency fluctuations such as seasonal temperature variations are observable and somewhat predictable, so that groups could have adapted their behaviors accordingly.
When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature and humidity, with variations confined within narrow margins.
These variations are normal, and it's more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving and changing, rather than a high risk enterprise where things could go wrong with one misstep.
Variations of this programme can be arranged to suit your requirements.
The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample.
The Footman seemed to think this a good opportunity for repeating his remark, with variations.