The situational varieties of language can be divided into two main kinds: dialects and registers.
Some situations seem to depend generally and fairly consistently on some regular sets of language features, so that distinctive varieties of language occur.
With countless British accents shaped by thousands of years of history, there are few English-speaking nations with as many varieties of language in such a small space.
In order to cater for different communicative needs, we have a lot of language varieties, which form the category of register.
In order to cater for the different communicative needs, we have a lot of language varieties, which form the category of register.
Code switching refers to the simultaneous utilization of two or more language varieties in one and the same conversation event.
For poetry, and those poets express divinity in human world, because of the varieties of characters (language), the varieties in rhythm of poetry are induced.
Arabic, belonging to the Afro-Asiatic language family, includes both the literary language and varieties of Arabic spoken across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.
A south central niger-congo language spoken in parts of ghana and the ivory coast whose two main varieties are fante and twi including ashanti.
The term 'register' has been used to refer to variation according to the use of language, i. e. functional varieties.
Language varieties are different speech forms of a language typically used by the language user on different occasions.
The causes of the phenomenon may be the different visual Angle of language, the diachronic changes and the regional varieties of English.
Many aspects of English varieties: the language, society and culture, deserve our attention. This is one of the international linguistics study area.
The network language varies greatly in different cultural environments, and the varieties embody the conflict between the network language as post modern aesthetics and the culture of modern language.
The language of Morals is a land of prescribing language that directs individuals to make varieties of choice of deeds and the decisions of principles.
Varieties of culture gather in foreign language institute, so cultural education is a difficult problem that foreign language institute has to face.
Based on social linguistics, the thesis aims at the research of information capacity of language varieties and their translation.
Firstly, when we talk about an apple in a language lesson, we teach the children what an apple is, different varieties of apples with different colours: red, green, yellow and pink.
Hemingway's novels are of a distinctive and artistic writing style with a plain language, which presents his Iceberg Theory with deep implications, varieties of implied meanings and symbol colors.
This essay explores the use of dialect in varieties of Chinese-language films in the early 21st century.
He takes an active part in varieties of activities held by the school and is honored as a big-name host. He acted as the chief commander in the past Art and Language Festivals.
The differences in grammar between Jiaozhou dialect and Mandarin are the differences between the dialectical varieties and the standard language of modern Han nationality.
The SFL by Halliday proposes that language is a social semiotics and is the source and potential of meaning and is the big system consisting of varieties of semantic sub-systems.
The SFL by Halliday proposes that language is a social semiotics and is the source and potential of meaning and is the big system consisting of varieties of semantic sub-systems.