The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was available in large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests.
As a country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population, people in many places of China speak their own dialects.
They all opened on a tolerably vast hall, paved with large flagstones, cut up by arcades and pillars, where only a tiny light and great shadows were visible.
Father Madeleine's profits were such, that at the end of the second year he was able to erect a large factory, in which there were two vast workrooms, one for the men, and the other for women.
President Jiang said that Algeria is a large energy producer and China has a vast market and technologies that Algeria needs. Therefore, the two economies are highly complementary.
"What Dov and I worked on a few years ago is the fact that the vast majority of introductions (of species) don't have large negative effects," Gaines said.
By far, small businesses employ more people than large businesses and export the vast majority of products.
Thus, the vast majority of genetic samples used in large-scale studies come in the form of blood.
The vast majority of existing studies have not found a link between phones and cancer, and if such a link exists, it is unlikely to be a large one.
It was seen in 1987 amid vast billows of gas in the Tarantula Nebula within the Large Magellanic Cloud.
But it can excel again at the thing it was good at in its glory days: copying the innovators and selling it at large-scale to a vast customer base.
The goal is cheap, renewable power for vast numbers of people lacking access to large amounts of energy.
Asymmetries wreaked havoc in the vast over-the-counter derivatives market, too, where even large dealing firms lacked the information to determine the consequences of others failing.
In universities the vast majority of tasks fall into this category, and I'm sure the same is true for most other large institutions.
Western China, with its vast landmass, large population, beautiful landscape and rich resources, borders 14 countries and has a great potential for development.
Given the opportunity to insure with the IMF, countries should have less need to insure themselves with vast reserves or to arrange large bilateral swap lines.
I appreciate it's a vast topic and perhaps too large to tackle along side the rest of the existing content.
Agricultural advance in so vast a country, with such a large population and backward economy as in China, requires above all else mobilizing the initiative of peasants to work hard and self-reliantly.
What's worse, high transportation costs have posed severe obstacles when it comes to creating a large domestic consumer market in this vast nation of 1.3 billion people.
The vast area of waters, dotted with partially submerged atolls and reefs, contain some of the world's busiest shipping lanes and are thought to hold large deposits of oil and natural gas.
Sweden is a sparsely populated country, has a long coastline, vast forests and a large number of lakes.
Those giants collectively control the other 95 percent of the market and sit on vast cash reserves earned by steering the creation of data centers inside large corporations.
There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.
This is a large orchestra, with a vast percussion section.
But the vast population of large cities cannot be fed with food produced in their immediate vicinity.
Our sewing machines from the ordinary to the vast majority of large-scale plane from Japan, Italy, Germany direct import.
Our sewing machines from the ordinary to the vast majority of large-scale plane from Japan, Italy, Germany direct import.