The real goal is to access those retail investors, and the best way to do it is by disclosing certain pieces of financial information via a platform like SecondMarket.
This section describes some basic concepts that are central to the way item of data are accessed by other components via a model class.
Software protection via encryption is an effective way to prevent software pirate from understanding the program by means of reverse engineering.
Malignant cells gain access to the globe by way of the bloodstream via the posterior ciliary arteries explaining why most deposits are in the posterior portion of the eye.
Ballast water is the main invasion way of alien aquatic organisms. The complex effects caused by the aquatic organisms via ballast water have attracted world wide attention.
Via a lot of work on the large datum, this paper studies schedule and cost's control index values of engineering project by way of different functions and structure types in Xi 'an.
The only way to regain harmony between humanity and nature is by striking a balance of the inner and the outer worlds via the way of being.
The only way to regain harmony between humanity and nature is by striking a balance of the inner and the outer worlds via the way of being.