Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.
As games blend our real and virtual environments, should there be a concern that some people will be less able to distinguish between the two?
I think we're a long way away from having virtual beings that have the ability to pre-sell content.
Some students who are addicted to the virtual world can't bear being separated from mobile phones even for a short while.
From the profusion of electronic-text sites available, it looks as if this virtual library is here to stay unless a proposed revision to copyright law takes many publications out of the public domain.
They trained 99 volunteers to complete a virtual maze as quickly as possible.
This is a virtual keyboard with laser impressions on any table or other surface.
These "thought experiments" were pages of calculations signed and submitted to the prestigious journal Annalen der Physik by a virtual unknown.
Professor Goel decided to do something to remedy this situation and his solution was to create a virtual assistant named Jill Watson, which is based on the IBM Watson platform.
The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound.
Otherwise, their child could end up one of those sad, pale creatures who can't make eye contact and has a girlfriend who lives only in the virtual world.
"With virtual reality we'll be able to put a surgeon in every trench," said Satava.
They paint a picture of a world in which individuals, companies, institutions, and governments must deal with two realities, one physical, and one virtual.
She is afraid to go out and has become a virtual prisoner in her own home.
Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.
His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.
Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.
The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn't tell it apart from a real human being.
The Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual.
In the meantime, the Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual.
With the evolution of virtual reality technology, tourism will increasingly become a combination of physical and virtual worlds.
The virtual assistant became so advanced and realistic that the students didn't know she was a computer.
As we're too absent-minded by what's happening in the virtual some of us have lost conversational skills and sometimes can't even tell whether a person is happy or not.
Nearly three quarters of large employers will offer virtual doctor visits as a benefit to employees this year, up from 48% last year.
Limit the amount of virtual violence your children are exposed to. It's not just radio games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.
"In the last 20 years or so, there's been a virtual explosion of research on bilingualism," says Judith Kroll, a professor at the University of California, Riverside.
Movement in some cities comes to a virtual standstill as motorized traffic competes with bicycles and pedestrians.
Web companies such as Tel a doc and American Well are expected to host some 1.2 million such virtual doctor visits this year, up 20% from last year, according to the American Telemedicine Association.
In "Ant Forest", people start by planting a virtual (虚拟的) tree.
People's heart rates get slower in a 3D-virtual-reality room.
在 3D 虚拟现实房间里,人们的心率会变慢。