Last month it introduced a service called places that encourages people to "check in" at places they visit and broadcast their location to friends.
Secretary Clinton paid a successful visit to China last month, which contributed in a big way to our mutual understanding and cooperation.
Still, in his free time, he managed to keep in touch with Heather leading up to his surprise visit late last month.
Doctor Salam Ismael took aid to Fallujah last month. This is a report of his visit.
Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven't seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile.
Last month at Dean College in Franklin, Mass., senior managers surprised the staff with a visit from a local ice cream vendor to thank them for their hard work during a student orientation session.
Last year, Ms. Jiang took a month off to visit France, staying with friends. Ms.
Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara said last month that such a visit by Medvedev would "severely harm" relations.
The IWTO levy, launched last month at 0.25c per kilo of greasy wool, is understood to cover the cost of a recent visit to New Zealand by architects from Europe.
Last month, I personally paid a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada and I discovered the cruel reality behind the brutal killings of the seals.
Last month, I personally paid a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada and I discovered the cruel reality behind the brutal killings of the seals.