Beyond that, the triumph of recorded sound has overshadowed the rich diversity of technological and aesthetic experiments with the visual image that were going forward simultaneously in the 1920s.
If image is related to creation, the appearance of visual image is related to copy.
Perception consumers have of a company created by its logo, design, and visual image.
The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent.
However, by presenting so much information in one visual image, the core message is lost in the details.
While it may be tempting to create a visual image, it’s essential the image is more than a pretty picture.
Including: design of multimedia presentation system, website and webpage, visual image of software etc.
Taking human being as the center, moving visual image includes scene, light, shadow, colour and composition.
Chinese culture and art become the model of Japanese art in visual image and painting ideas in many respects.
Efficient strategies include summary writing, enquiry, reflection, visual image, and the improved version of SQ3R.
Opinions are also complex feelings born out of the base of sound visual image along with active principle in the mind.
There is clearly a conscious visual image of the body as well. But that visual image seems not to be used for position sense.
Registration between tactile and visual image for remote-control robot is a critical technology in these two images fusion.
Therefore, the study of transforming volume data in the temperature field to visual image is of great value in engineering.
This inherent visual image known as image, both visually see the image can become art of painting in the image of the source.
Vi design, called the "visual image recognition system design", is divided into corporate image design and brand image design.
TV program brilliant, rich knowledge, and vivid language, visual image and video, can let the children learn in a relaxed and happy.
Characters, as a carrier, play a positive role in the function of transmission and visual image in the process of Literature creation.
It not only carry, convey ideas and information, and it's the responsibility of the visual image also shows rich formalized connotation.
In the opposite contrast, the reality is hollowed, while the spirit is materialized, and the emotion itself is expressed as a visual image.
The system will automatically display the filter board when it is saturated by the indicator light and the visual image on the control panel.
All three were equipped with virtual reality headsets that recorded their head orientation and displayed a corresponding visual image of the room.
My mind has never before seen such a chair, but it compiles all the associations -- upright, level seat, stable, legs-and creates the visual image.
It can provide directly perceived visual image by post-processing technique and more easy to apply the imaging information in clinical practice.
Audience today thinks highly of the body language and the overall feeling, and modern consumer society pays attention to the visual image consumption.
For example, if you use the Properties view to set an object's background color to green, the visual image and the source code are automatically updated.
Visual image was not only one type of image that people used most in daily life, but also one type of image that was studied most in cognitive psychology.
Some of the outstanding items in order to give you in the details, the visual image appears larger than in kind, please pay attention to the size of goods.
Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.
Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.