A visual indicator that shows if the collection ended successfully.
Using this style of code is a strong visual indicator that it's an immutable class.
Quartz vein zone is audio visual indicator and estimated marking in macroscopic scale.
This setting displays a visual indicator on the iPhone UI that there is network activity in progress.
如此设置就可以在iPhoneUI 上显示一个可见的指示器,表示有网络活动正在进行。
In our example, a visual indicator helps users to know when a memo has been marked for retention (see figure 9).
Players will see a yellow burst of shrapnel on units that are taking side - or rear-damage as a visual indicator.
The queue's icon provides a visual indicator of the current administrative load on the broker, which can help you schedule deployments.
The problem is that there’s no visual indicator of which apps are running, nor is there an easy way to exit them or force them to close.
The first feature is a visual indicator to the user that the retrieval for a specific document is continuing in the background, but has not yet finished.
The Code Editor provides visual indicators to alert you to the debugging status; these indicators display to the left of the line in the indicator margin.
As you drag a new widget onto the canvas, the editor provides a visual indicator, a green area color, and an outline view to help you place the widget where you want it.
A visual indicator shows if the collection has ended successfully or failed (the progress bar is green when collection is completed with no errors, or red when it fails).
Increases in the number of sucks were used as an indicator of the infant's attention to or preference for a given visual display.
Aim at current existent problems and defects in visual approach slope indicator, a new Precision approach Path instruction method has studied.
The system will automatically display the filter board when it is saturated by the indicator light and the visual image on the control panel.
Sharp edge of a reflex arc lamp indicator and band can make reading very clear, to avoid the visual errors.
The visual clear artery indicator label and index range help determine the proper size cuff for each patient and ensure correct blood pressure measurement.
The visual clear artery indicator label and index range help determine the proper size cuff for each patient and ensure correct blood pressure measurement.