But the most vocally excluded of all are the old and poor, trapped in their homes.
Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.
But if it did not-if the third bystander vocally took sides, say-then violence was much more likely.
American -- Zhanmusi thanked " main and collateral channels of vocally get through " book, very popular.
China has also vocally criticized military exercises carried out by the U. S. and South Korea since the incident.
It is no longer possible to do anything vocally or physically which will disturb the peace and happiness of others.
A man who switches on his emotions is more likely to go into a reptilian mode and lash out vocally or become aggressive.
Be vocally grateful if they assist you and assist them when you can.Your superiors will perceive you as being a team player.
Be vocally grateful if they assist you and assist them when you can. Your superiors will perceive you as being a team player.
To understand just how cats vocally manipulate owners, including herself, McComb and her team set up a series of experiments.
Moreover, these young singers will sing the "The Variation Little Star" in jazz version and vocally perform the "Symphony 40".
Peruvians have long been vocally (and justifiably) proud of their homeland's cooking but suddenly the rest of the world seems to be taking note too.
He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate-approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.
Describe what you see, what you're doing, your afternoon plans, or what you'd like to make for dinner vocally instead of keeping it locked up in your head.
Starting off soft and expressive, "Confession of Pain" leaps into a soaring vocally stretching refrain, gradually building into a blue atmosphere of emotions.
While working as asecretary for the publisher of Washington State's Inland Herald, she criticizedhis prose so vocally that he replaced her and made her an editorial writerinstead.
While working as a secretary for the publisher of Washington State's Inland Herald, she criticized his prose so vocally that he replaced her and made her an editorial writer instead.
While working as a secretary for the publisher of Washington State's Inland Herald, she criticized his prose so vocally that he replaced her and made her an editorial writer instead.