The key to power distribution system is to ignore transient process in this sub-system and to draw the network equivalent circuit diagram, therefore its node voltage equation is algebraic equation.
Because the capacitor voltage always changes in the course of charging, and the equivalent load also changes in a large range, the load characters of charging circuit are required strictly.
This article analysed the reason of dangerous voltage merging into from the connection way of ground connection system and equivalent circuit aspects, and put forward a solution.
Thewenin s equivalent circuit of capacitor with initial voltage is given through step function representation.
A equivalent circuit of the capacitive divider and the method of voltage measurement in the various conditions are presented.
According to the voltage and current waveforms of arc, an ideal voltage current transform characteristic curve and an equivalent circuit representing for long arc have been described in this paper.
Aiming at the current and voltage impulse problems in a high power pulse forming network with capacitor energy storage system, the equivalent circuit model of the pulse forming network is established.
An equivalent circuit of the dry - type transformer with subsection and layer winding applied transient voltage is brought forward.
The equivalent series resistance of silicon solar cell can influence its straight volt-ampere property and short-circuit current, but have no influence on open-circuit voltage.
An equivalent circuit of multi-winding transformer under the impulse voltage test condition has been worked out. The circuit parameters are frequency-dependent.
An equivalent circuit of multi-winding transformer under the impulse voltage test condition has been worked out. The circuit parameters are frequency-dependent.