It was a home run until I met a man who angrily said he wouldn't vote for me under any circumstances.
The truth is I don't know, but vote for me and I'll tell you.
Now, will you vote for me? -well, the field still needs plowing. -okay, Olive!
She just laughed and said, "are you out of you mind, nobody would ever vote for me."
She just laughed and said, "are you out of you mind, nobody would ever vote for me."
What does a congressman do? The truth is I don't know, but vote for me and I'll tell you.
Hope you vote for me, I will do my best to be a good host, a good kid journalist of Expo!
If you have got a neighbour that is not going to vote for me do not let him out of his driveway.
Please let me continue to serve the city and you the citizens. Please vote for me in the election.
It was a home run, until I met a man who angrily said he wouldn't vote for me under any circumstances.
I'm skeptical that "Vote for Me" contests are the best strategy for selecting the best solutions or ideas.
The candidate stood at a busy intersection and shouted: "Vote for me or something nasty will happen to your children in the night!"
Today, I stumbled across another reason why I'd like to blow up online contests that use "vote for me" or popularity to make funding decisions.
Because I am a good readings, so the teacher only to vote for me, although I can not come to power, but my voice will be captivated the audience.
She walked to the speaker's platform with courage and delivered her election speech, "Dear classmates, although I am an ordinary-looking girl, I hope all of you can vote for me."
Harold Ford even invited Republican governor Mike Castle of Delaware and me to participate in his subcommittees meeting to mark up the bill into the final version to be presented for a vote.
I said the Republicans budget reminded me of the story of a politician who wanted to ask a farmer to vote for him but was reluctant to come into his yard because a barking dog was there.
"I voted for Ahmadinejad, and I'd vote for him again if they hold another election," he told me.
In Montana, I lost this time around largely because, as in Colorado, the lower vote for Perot meant more votes for Senator Dole than for me.
If it had been up to me, I would have carried on the fight for a year if that's what it took to get a vote.
If you voted for Obama or plan to vote for Hillary you are not for me.
It's voted on by the supposed elite for the industry and the media, who've never bought an album or concert ticket in their lives, so their vote is irrelevant to me.
Yes, yes, Rock the Vote came to me. I'd done some work with Declare Yourself at the last election, for the last election.
Whats up China. I am Kevin Martin, your new friend. Vote me for the 2011 all-stars. Great appreciation.
Now, just remember your old Pal, Bluto, at the polls today, fellers! And take an extra cigar for each and every vote you give me. Yes, Sir!
Ask classmate believe I, support I, cast and have a sacred vote of yours for me!
The survey also saw a third of women vote for 'lying in' as their top activity should they be given more 'me' time.
The survey also saw a third of women vote for 'lying in' as their top activity should they be given more 'me' time.