Under Senate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.
They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.
Italy's parliament has yet to vote on the legislation.
Did not attend the February 2008 vote on the FISA Amendments Act of 2007.
Mr Obama, after backing the Boxer measure, simply did not vote on the Republican proposal.
The shareholders did not vote on the price to be paid by the US financial services company.
He also has a casting vote on the Technical Board and Community Council, should it come to a vote.
Ask for opinions. If you have other people deciding with you, vote on the decision. Majority rules.
The outcome after a slightly more than 40-minute vote on the House floor left lawmakers almost speechless.
Telefonica itself owns 10% of Portugal Telecom's shares, but may not be allowed to vote on the matter.
Students will then vote on the brochure they like best and the winning brochure will receive a prize.
House vote on the agency, scheduled for July, has been postponed until September because of lukewarm support.
It would also increase investor protections and let shareholders vote on the pay of top company officials.
A House vote on the agency, scheduled for July, has been postponed until September because of lukewarm support.
To put the vote on the ballot the traditional way, Mr Brown needs a supermajority (two-thirds) in the legislature.
The website displays a draft law and lets users propose rewrites of each paragraph; others can vote on the suggestions.
You don't have to drink or take drugs because others are doing it, but go with the majority vote on the favorite cartoon.
And there is talk of NYSE Euronext issuing a special dividend before its shareholders vote on the German deal on July 7th.
On the surface,crowdsourcing seems easy – shout a question out to the crowd, get their ideasand allow them to vote on the best.
Mr Fukuda may close this special session of the Diet and vote on the refuelling law when the ordinary session opens in January.
Boehner told his fellow Republicans, on this same conference call, that his goal is to have a vote on the compromise bill on Monday.
Mr Annan has apparently ruled out a recount of the vote on the ground that Kenyans have lost confidence in their electoral commission.
AFTER rejecting it in a referendum in June last year, Irish will get another chance to vote on the Lisbon treaty on Friday October 2nd.
The board of Roll Back Malaria, a group that co-ordinates international efforts against the disease, is due to vote on the matter this month.
Rbm的董事会这个月也会就这个计划进行投票。 Rbm是一个协调世界各个疾病预防机构的组织。
Republicans hold a 19-14 majority in the state Senate, but they need at least one Democrat to be present before taking a vote on the bill.
Then came a vote on the motion that "This house believes that Qaddafi and the others should be tried in Libya, not in the Hague". The motion was defeated.
Then came a vote on the motion that "This house believes that Qaddafi and the others should be tried in Libya, not in the Hague". The motion was defeated.