Workers at the bottom of the wage scale have seen their incomes fall relative to those at the top.
The measure of one′s merits (one′s grade on the wage scale) is the economic contribution which accounts for the three factors viz.
As a point of interest, the same briefing mentioned that the factory, which employed 3,300 people – mostly women – had an 8-tier wage scale.
Advocates of devaluation argue that the scale of wage adjustment that Latvia needs is so huge that it will imply years of grinding recession unless the currency is weakened.
Although salaries can vary greatly with the self-employed, small business owners made an average annual wage of $36,000 to $75,095 in 2008, according to Pay Scale.
The empirical analysis reveals that wage, manpower capital and technology have important influences on employment scale, and others have less effect.
The empirical analysis reveals that wage, manpower capital and technology have important influences on employment scale, and others have less effect.