Wait for me at the bus station across from the post office.
Simply dial a code into your phone and wait for the driverless car to arrive at a nearby station.
If you get off at a station where there is only a tall exit with high steel bars, wait for the next train and go to the nearest station that permits easy exit with a bike.
Stranded commuters wait for transportation news at Kawasaki station after train services were suspended as a result of the earthquake.
On the way to Oceanside, you will need to stop at Laguna Niguel Station and wait for an Amtrak Train to pass, then continue.
The dog continued to wait for its master at the train station without fail until its own death two years later.
At that time I listened to "Narcissus flower" daily, was very in a stew me to wait for this to the broadcasting station entrance to develop Jan the actor.
The dog continued to wait for its master at the train station without fail until its own death two years later.
The dog continued to wait for its master at the train station without fail until its own death two years later .
The dog continued to wait for its master at the train station without fail until its own death two years later.
EVACUATION OF KWEILIN. Refugees at the Kweilin railroad station wait for transportation.
They say they may stay at the railway station and wait for their neighbour to explain why it rains every day.
Yeah, I was luck to be able to get plane tickets and not have to wait at the train station.
"If I have a girlfriend I think it is a good situation that she suddenly hugs me when I wait for her at the station, " said developer Maito Omari in the video.
In Kyoto station can take bus 75, get off at the west road of four, we can wait for you at the bus stop.
People carrying luggage and paper bags wait in queue to board the train at a railway station.
Wait for a few days quick at last with the help of TV station through a quick one in broadcast directly those child who she let on TV at the gate of TV station.
Wait for a few days quick at last with the help of TV station through a quick one in broadcast directly those child who she let on TV at the gate of TV station.