But it really tired me, so sometimes I pretended to pee to have a walk aimlessly, and hence discovered it by chance.
The street is lined with T-shirt shops, coffee shops and cafes catering to tourists. Foreigners walk aimlessly up and down the street, guidebooks in hand, soaking up the phony cultural atmosphere.
街道的两旁是t - shirt店、咖啡厅和面向游客的餐饮中心,外国旅游客手里拿着旅游指南,漫无目的地行走在街上,全身心浸泡在一种独特的文化气息中。
The slowest person, as long as he doesn't lose target than wandering aimlessly walk fast.
The slowest person, as long as he doesn't lose target than wandering aimlessly walk fast.