One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passersby.
We used to walk the streets of neon lights.
And when I walk the streets no one looks at me.
Walk the streets, looking for the whereabouts of happiness.
One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by.
Whose life, I can not see, I Huanpei old jingle to walk the streets in the redundant.
Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets.
So far if you walk the streets in Luoyang mouth, its presence could be seen everywhere.
Jumoke Orisaguna is a mother of two who used to walk the streets of Lagos selling bread.
I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up OR so I take fOR granted.
To walk the streets where their love bloomed and they so tragically died would be a truly romantic experience.
Women and children walk the streets more frequently, demonstrating and shopping for groceries in equal measure.
Such machines may not quite yet be ready to walk the streets alongside people, but the day they can is surely not far off.
Such machines may not quite yet be ready to[color=#0000FF] walk the streets alongside people, but the day they can is surely not far off.
IF YOUR face and name are anywhere on the web, you may be recognised whenever you walk the streets-not just by cops but by any geek with a computer.
IF YOUR face and name are anywhere on the web, you may be recognised whenever you walk the streets-not just by cops but by any geek with a computer.
It was sometimes so crowded that it was difficult to walk along the streets especially through busy markets.
When crossing the streets, we should walk on the zebra crossing.
Although nowadays the center has electronic maps, the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand.
More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they walk through the streets.
I had started to believe, on a very unconscious level, that I was somehow sub-human, that I had no right to even walk the same streets he did.
However, when you walk into the countryside, you'll see a different picture: streets and houses there are shabby and untidy; farmers' children still fret at one-hundred-yuan heating fees at school.
Each morning, my trek includes a walk down three flights of stairs, where I grab my handmade bamboo bicycle and enter the city streets with my helmet fastened and secured.
Take your time. Stroll the streets with Sunday morning indifference and resist the urge to buy anything in the first store you walk into.
On her daily 30-minute walk to the skating fountain, she passes streets where she once begged for spare change.
In a particular study by the University of Michigan, one group of volunteers took a walk in the park, while another group navigated the busy city streets.
In a particular study by the University of Michigan, one group of volunteers took a walk in the park, while another group navigated the busy city streets.