B. Tom used to wander from sheds to sheds in the neighborhoods.
With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.
As soon as "change" became the big theme, attention naturally tended to wander from Mr Brown.
People who tempt God's children to wander from him, says Moses to Israel, are worthy of death.
Psalms 119:10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: o let me not wander from thy commandments.
His research style has always been to follow his interests which can easily wander from an initial focus.
This is a world full of unknown, which makes people perplex and wander from the track. Where from, where to?
They looked into each other's eyes, and one would have thought that his eyes would never wander from her face.
They quit their jobs, leave their parents and Beijing, wander from place to place, earn a living from their passions, find love and realize their dreams.
If multitasking makes our minds wander from the tasks we think we are getting done, as we have posted in the past, then why should eating be any exception?
What we need is a floating zendo, where an old Bodhisattva can wander from place to place and always be sure to find a spot to sleep in among friends and cook up mush.
Adapted from Milan Trenc's novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth.
Maybe at death the soul gets liberated from the body and is able to wander more freely.
She looked in their faces, and recognized her sisters, One-eye, and Three-eyes, who had fallen into such poverty that they had to wander about and beg their bread from door to door.
It's not a trivial thing to leave the trees behind, wander out onto this open landscape and start removing flesh and marrow from a carcass.
Wander its marble corridors and marvel at treasures from the Ancient World as well as more recent developments in design, with everything from Art Deco cigarette lighters to 1960s mini-dresses.
After that miserable experience, I was convinced that I was not the type of person who should ever wander far from home.
This was actually good news for Darwin, as it gave him more time to wander around the museums, seeking advice from the various experts in botany, taxidermy, geology and animal anatomy.
Villagers have also complained of elephants, rhinos and buffalo destroying food crops as they wander away from the parks in search of food and water.
But the sun is on our backs. With limited time to wander, why trail down to the grotto when we can see it, all mystery preserved, from the ramparts of the basilica?
For those who are looking for a place to wander, the town's streets are perfect and a nice change of pace from Shanghai's commotion.
I do not want to wander about any more. I am pining for a corner in which to nestle down snugly, away from the crowd.
The term comes from Aristotle’s maudlin concept that each soul is split apart, so we are made of half a soul, and are doomed to wander the planet trying to find our other half.
亚里士多德悲观地认为,每一个灵魂都是支离破碎的,所以我们只拥有一半的灵魂。 我们注定要在这个星球上不断寻觅另一半灵魂。
Today, some of those victims, their stumps hanging uselessly and conspicuously by their sides, wander along on the opposite side of the street from their former tormentors.
Boys are driven by their internal engine, their brain, to wander, investigate, grab, and take apart the world around them. They are so driventhat they may shrug off disapproval from their parents.
While normal ants rarely deviate from atrail along a tree, zombie ants wander aimlessly, and they suffer convulsionsthat cause the animals to fall out of the forest canopy.
We are miles away from Trantridge, if I must tell you, and in this growing fog you might wander for hours among these trees.
He little knew that up on that roof, from time to time, a boy of 11 would wander up and down.
A red wooden bench was put on the lowest level, and the shrine was covered in glitter so when the head-lamps from the miners wander around, it will reflect a magical shine.
Some of the insects wander off to find fresh leaves, while others fall from the tree tops on to leaves nearer the ground.