The warm spring breeze kisses the earth and the green grass grows.
"Gorgeous vernal scenery" : describes the warm spring breeze, sunshine.
His stories turned out to be a warm spring breeze and they melted the ice in my thoughts.
A mother's love, you this warm spring breeze, blow across the earth, wake up the all things.
In the spring, when the warm spring breeze blowing up the earth, mountains home put on the green.
In the warm spring breeze in May, so that the joy of singing under the stars in May the wind flying.
The warm spring breeze, bright sunshine shining on the earth, everything has a life, forming a beautiful landscape map.
Thee spring of this year than last year's spring is warm, warm warm spring breeze, warm sunshine, warm warm feeling… Always warm spring!
Flying in the warm spring breeze. It is like an innocent and lively girl, with a divine color pen, and painted with cheerful everywhere.
In the early spring, greeted by the warm spring breeze and accompanied by the greenness of life, you can search for a spring hope in the artistic ocean.
When the stream to play the piano, when the primrose, sing the spring, when the warm spring breeze, I will know that business is full of spring had come.
Rain quietly underground, accompanied by the warm spring breeze to drive away the winter residual marks to spring girl put on the dress, to people brings hope.
Fine art works should be like sunshine from blue sky and breeze in spring that will inspire minds, warm hearts, cultivate taste and clean up undesirable work styles.
Teacher, your eyes are fire, the sun and warm breeze in spring, which in the students' eyes are the footnotes of love.
I love spring, spring breeze brings the hope, born from the peak green leaves on the trunk of the bald grow out, a hibernating animal crawled out from earth, enjoying the spring brings warm breath.
In spring, warm breeze blowing our face. The apple trees open flowers on the hills.
You! Teacher! Your spring breeze just which seem nice and warm of care has made our soul warm.
Spring the warm flower opens carries off the winter the sad breeze to blow romantic breath each love song to fill the significance I on in this…
As warm breeze blows gently and vernal sun shines brightly, the spring of 2011 is coming.
As warm breeze blows gently and vernal sun shines brightly, the spring of 2011 is coming.