Henceforth he was in the possession of the name: — Ultime Fauchelevent.
His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of navy security regulations.
But it said that the United States attorney's office in Tucson was in possession of the specifics related to the investigation.
It was like an epidemic of veneration, which in the course of six or seven years gradually took possession of the whole district.
Robert was arrested in Houston in November on charges of trespassing and drug possession as he was about to climb the 46-floor One Houston Center.
Among the stocks I'd bought was Molycorp, the only U.S. company in possession of a genuine rare earth mine.
I have in my possession a photo of Arkady mikhailovich-the author of the Great Baroque Soviet encyclopedia-which was taken at the exact moment that this story begins.
在我的私人物品中,有一张阿尔卡季·米哈伊洛维奇(Arkady Mikhailovich)——《苏联巴洛克艺术大百科全书》的作者——的照片,这个故事此刻就以这张照片开头。
Liquor, as the spokesman of traditional elite culture, was in possession of abundant cultural resources and distinct cultural charm.
The pirates were in possession of the house and stores: there was the cask of cognac, there were the pork and bread, as before, and what tenfold increased my horror, not a sign of any prisoner.
Where the subject matter was in buyer's possession prior to conclusion of the contract, the time when the contract becomes effective is the time of delivery.
A week later, Marguerite had taken possession of the house in the country and I was installed at the Point du Jour.
Scorponok thought, in his ever-growing paranoia, that the possession of the Ultimate Weapon in the universe was the only thing that could make him and his position safe.
Confiscation, which means forcing all or part of the criminal's possession to public, even including his wife, children and slaves, was an additive criminal law in Yuan Dynasty.
The diameter size of hearth suggested that the workshop was in possession of comparatively large production scale.
An island of western India northwest of Bombay. A Portuguese possession after 1535, Diu was invaded by India in 1961 and annexed the following year.
And the field was made sure to Abraham, and the cave that was in it, for a possession to bury in, by the children of Heth.
The house was handsome, and handsomely fitted up, and the young ladieswere immediately put in possession of a very comfortable apartment.
The day waspast when that sort of thing was possible: the countrywas in possession of the bosses and the emigrant, anddecent people had to fall back on sport or culture.
The target of marketing strategy was to enhance entire taken possession for properties in the fiscal year of 2004.
Even while he was speakIng to o 'brien, when the meanIng of the words had sunk In, a chilly shudderIng feelIng had taken possession of his body.
The woman said she had donated money to the grandfather of the dead girl, who was in possession of the body and was refusing to allow police to take it away.
In the case of the university fees he says he was handicapped by the possession of a heart (why punish the children of illegal immigrants for their parents' actions?)
The WMSC is satisfied that Vodafone McLaren Mercedes was in possession of confidential Ferrari information and is therefore in breach of article 151c of the International Sporting Code.
A man who could only have been the Monastery's Abbot was at one time in possession of the key which opens a grand set of heavy double doors.
In addition, in the amendments on possession, exception regulations about presumption of possession rights were added, and the system of bona fide acquisition of movables was also revised.
In addition, in the amendments on possession, exception regulations about presumption of possession rights were added, and the system of bona fide acquisition of movables was also revised.