If water pipes are damaged, contact the water company and avoid using water from the tap.
At the end of this part discusses how the Jingshi Tap Water Company deals with these problems.
As for the fire hydrant leaking, Zhao said the captain will contact the water company for repairs.
Increasingly, West Bank Palestinians must rely on water bought from the Israeli national water company, Mekorot.
The county's drought will last for days, said the local water company. It is unknown when water supplies will resume.
I have heard from the phone company, the water company, the electric company, but haven't heard from you. Too bad, it's your company I love the most.
A certain British water company did the same in a certain South American nation which badly needed foreign expertise to overhaul its creaking water services.
I then left my apartment to see signs posted all over warning us not to use the water without boiling it because the water company just found E-coli in the water.
Reporters from both the City water Company Technology Department was informed that currently tap water and reliable water, people do not have any water supply concerns.
Mr Dearborn believes, though he admits he cannot prove it, that his problems stem from the arrival in Fryeburg of Poland Spring, a Maine bottled-water company owned by Nestlé.
This paper discusses the theoretical and experimental studies on the KASKAD 8a A. C. Cascade adjustable speed system which was imported by Guangzhou Water Company from Emphasis ASEA Company.
Liquid PAC (poly aluminum chloride) produced by the coagulant plant of Shaoguan Water Company in Guangdong province was tested experimentally to examine some parameters related to its application.
Bottled-water giants such as Nestlé, the Coca-Cola Company, and Pepsi reckon that the market will continue to fizz.
You could pay to have a company deliver large bulky plastic bottles of water for the water cooler.
Culligan is the only water treatment equipments company who owns more than 200 patents globally.
The company explains that, “Water can be produced by reducing lunar soil with hydrogen that is imported from the Earth.
He set up a parallel sales company to market and distribute water and other joint venture drinks products.
“They’re treading water right now, ” said Jordan Rohan, an analyst with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company.
The request by US Envirofuels would make the facility one of the city's top ten water consumers overnight, and the company plans to double its size.
这一狮子大开口的要求使得该公司一夜之间跻身坦帕市十大用水大户之一。 该公司还在计划将工厂扩建一倍。
Those two couldn't work, because they were the internet equivalent of oil and water: one is an internet distribution company, and the other a content company.
If you're on a private well or want more in-depth information, consider hiring a private water-testing company.
Many critical decisions jumped out while facing the mirror after washing faces with cold water in the gents of company.
This is to create a not-for-profit holding company for Scottish Water, rather as Welsh Water and Network Rail are organised now.
Al Faisal, nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Khalid, teamed up with French engineer Georges Mougin to create an ill-fated company based on tapping iceberg water.
You'll want to hire an EPA-certified water testing company; tests run about $20.
Siemens is another company with a robust water technology business and catalytic carbon water treatment filters are critical for water treatment.
Siemens is another company with a robust water technology business and catalytic carbon water treatment filters are critical for water treatment.