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09052104 Researchers have shown that potatoes irrigated with arsenic-rich water contain this element at levels up to 35 times higher than crops on which this water was not used.
In addition, water heated geothermally can contain salts and toxic materials dissolved from the hot rock.
Non-alcoholic drinks contain mostly water and contribute to your hydration.
These soils usually contain large amounts of clay and easily become water-saturated.
Sedimentary rocks—the most common rock type near the surface—are also the most common reservoirs for water because they contain the most space that can be filled with water.
The layers at the base of the mountain contain clays and sulfates, both known to form in water.
Such an environment would have to contain the basic ingredients of life-including water, organic carbon and a source of energy to sustain the microbes' metabolism.
Such an environment would have to contain the basic ingredients of life — including water, organic carbon and a source of energy to sustain the microbes' metabolism.
Q: I drink bottled water all the time, but I keep hearing that some bottles contain dangerous chemicals.
An array of state and federal agencies are on the scene, skimming up oily water, installing thousands of feet of boom in an attempt to contain the oil, and burning off some of the slick.
A few years ago, he explained this view — and this is part of why he's the Greatest — saying, "Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams — they all have different names, but they all contain water."
Not only did it contain water, but a plethora of other compounds and elements including mercury, calcium, magnesium, carbon monoxide and dioxide, ammonia, sodium - and small traces of silver.
Despite the fact that they contain water, which usually results in low satiety, many broth-based soups can actually leave your stomach feeling full.
Most sports drinks contain a combination of water, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
Some of the organic compounds the dead creatures contain, though, dissolve out of them and into the water.
But when a person drinks in large quantities and fast and the water consumed does not contain extra electrolytes, the cell maintenance system can not handle the level of sodium dilution that occurs.
Watermelon, honeydew melon, and stone fruits such as peaches and plums contain lots of water for hydration as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy.
Scientists believe the crater may contain frozen water and expected it to be kicked up by the impact.
The reserve tanks at a reactor contain the same grade of water in terms of purity and chemical composition that are normally used in the core.
As one example, a gas giant planet called HD 209458b has been found to contain oxygen, carbon and water.
举个例子,人们发现一颗被称为HD 209458b的巨大的气体行星含有氧、碳和水。
Most of the time the entries are amusing and sometimes they contain very pertinent information regarding the shelter and the surrounding area (problem bears, scarce water, etc.).
Juice "cocktails" and "juice drinks" may contain as little as two percent fruit juice; the rest might simply be sugary water.
The new studies tackle a more fundamental question: How much water did the moon contain inside when it formed, 4.5 billion years ago?
The planet, referred to as HD85512b, is about 3.5 times the mass of Earth and may be close enough to its primary star to contain water.
这颗编号为HD 85512b的行星是地球质量的3.5倍,离其主恒星距离较近,足以容纳水分。
Products labeled "organic" must contain at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients (again, not including water and salt).
The research, the product of more than a decade of observations at the WM Keck Observatory in Hawaii, suggests the planet could contain liquid water on its surface.
Dispersants used by oil companies do not work well at or near freezing temperatures. Booms to contain a spill cannot be used with icebergs floating in the water.
NREL USES syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity. Hot water is used to heat the syrups and dry them out.
NREL USES syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity. Hot water is used to heat the syrups and dry them out.