In one word water is scarce for all of us and we should try our best to save it.
In one word, water is scarce for all of us and we should try our best to save it.
Yet in many farming regions, water is scarce and likely to get scarcer as global warming worsens.
And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region.
When water is scarce, people are often forced to rely on drinking water sources that may not be safe.
This clothes washer was meant to be used in areas where water is scarce and electricity isn't available.
Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, if available, may be used for domestic hygiene.
When water is scarce, birds will seek it wherever they can find it - a bucket, an air conditioning outlet, or a pet's water dish.
And by 2025, some 3.5 billion people will live in places where water is scarce or becoming scarce, according to World water Council data.
Where water is scarce and the environment fragile, achieving food security may depend on food imported from countries with an abundance of water.
Over the next few months, though, the company hopes to install a pilot system at a dairy farm in Texas near the New Mexico border, where water is scarce.
Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, ifavailable, may be used for domestic hygiene. available, may be used for domestic hygiene.
This distortion tends to keep the retail price of water lower than it would otherwise be where water is scarce, encouraging consumption rather than conservation.
The security situation at Aynak is better than at many other potential mining sites, but there are other problems. Water is scarce and inspires fierce tribal rivalry.
In the desert regions that the Bushmen have long inhabited - they are thought to be the oldest strain of humanity still existing - water is scarce and difficult to find in the dry season.
In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers.
The success of the IIIMP pilot in Egypt shows what can be done when an irrigation system is re-engineered to treat water as a scarce, precious commodity and to involve farmers in management.
Even if the rise in output comes about but in the "wrong" way, there could be problems, since water in some areas is growing scarce and increasing food output will make it scarcer.
Right now, no public utility anywhere prices water based on how scarce it is or how much it costs to deliver, and that, privatization proponents argue, is the root cause of such rampant overuse.
This winter, it is undergoing its worst drought for 50 years, and I can only imagine what local farmers think about using scarce water to make "snow" for wealthy madmen to slide down.
But this status is at risk because water, the vital ingredient to make the soil productive, is increasingly scarce.
Inadequate investments in supply and treatment infrastructure means that even where water is not scarce, it is rarely clean.
But if they are sincere, it is probably because they believe they must plan for a world in which water and other natural resources are increasingly scarce.
They stay put in areas where housing is substandard, safe water and sanitation are scarce, environments are filthy, and disease-carrying insects and animals are abundant.
The water used in that ritual is considered "grey water" and simply enters the sewerage system, furthering adding strain to the already scarce water supply in the country.
For the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, one of the world's most water-scarce regions, this challenge is far greater.
For the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, one of the world's most water-scarce regions, this challenge is far greater.