Sand is of course loose soil but unless water logged will not act like quicksand in this regard.
With water logged zone of low-lying land in Xinxiang as an example, analysis is made on forming causes of water logged zone.
But relief efforts were hampered by destroyed roadsand bridges, water logged airports and other disrupted lines of communication.
The recent rains have made the garden water- logged. There are wooden planks set above the squashy mud for access to the bakery.
The blood lily also likes plenty of water during active growth, but doesn't enjoy water-logged soils, so try not to over water.
Boil any items a toddler or baby might put in his mouth. Discard stuffed toys, water-logged toys and non-cleanable toys.
Waterlogged land is a kind of cultivation land which is easily logged with water seasonally or perennially.
The phase change process of gas water separation in wellbore is investigated in the paper by use of the point by point logged pressure data.
Comparison is made of the environmental control plan for mining-induced collapse water-logged zone from aspects of economy, society, environment and technology.
On the other hand, the per-pound price drops when water-logged morels hit the market, because buyers don't want to pay for water weight.
However, the contents of NH4 + -n in the Purplish clayey soil were significantly increased by water-logged incubation or by nitrogen fertilizer added.
而外加氮源或淹水处理对青紫泥nh4 +- N含量的提升作用则贯穿于培养试验的全过程。
Discard stuffed toys, water -logged toys and non-cleanable toys .
Discard stuffed toys, water -logged toys and non-cleanable toys .