Whatever the cause, the Tehri Dam hasn't come close to delivering the amount of power or water that was expected.
Hoover Dam provided the two key ingredients - water and power - that freed the Southwest and southern California to go on a 75-year growth spurt.
The International Water Power and Dam Construction Organization has conducted surveys to determine potential sites for construction of small power plants.
The main structure of the Three Gorges project consists of the water impounding dam, flood releasing installations, power plants, and navigation facilities.
The geology and the topography are complex in dam site area of Jiangkou water power station.
The dam, completed in 1936, is used for flood and silt control, electric power, irrigation, and domestic and industrial water supplies.
Songshan concrete face rockfill dam is the head project of Songshan diversion works for Songjianghe water power station.
Along with the rapid exploitation of water power resource in west of the country, more and more mid or low-head flood gate dam hinges are appearing.
This scenario would also apply to the situation of using irrigation waters from a farm dam to provide power because the water level, and therefore the Gross Head, would vary enormously.
The results show that water power in the cracks is important factor which cause cracks extension. Eliminating or reducing water power in cracks will be beneficial to steadiness of dam foundation.
With the support of the Nazi Gorge water power station which is going to be built, the graduate paper studies the main engineering geology properties of the rock-mass and soil-body in the dam area.
The major dam of Hutiao Gorge Water-Power Station is first chop large scale earth and rockfill dam.
In order to fit relative variable spaces between the power plants, flexible connectors of penstocks are commonly installed for water diversion in a dam-rear power plant.
Through finite element method calculation, we analyse the stress and stability of the bank spillway concrete structure in bad conditions for the dam of Yanzhangxi (1) Water Power Station in Longquan.
Through finite element method calculation, we analyse the stress and stability of the bank spillway concrete structure in bad conditions for the dam of Yanzhangxi (1) Water Power Station in Longquan.