Spectrum Complete range of colours within the visible light, I. E. Between the wave-length of 400 nm to 700nm.
The wave-length response curves are obtained by experiments of simultaneous comparison of 4 different lights in each test.
A multi-wave-length extinction detection method for dust is put forward. Then the principle and a principal designing scheme are given.
The testing was done on the working conditions such as the sample resolution, element wave-length, air-carrier flow, auxiliary air flow, observed altitude, etc.
What is the meaning of "the length of a wave" according to paragraph 3?
根据第三段,“the length of a wave” 是什么意思?
The removable glass case even cleverly filters light on a special "orange" wave length, which is used by the insects for sight.
They will obviously agree with what you're saying, but it also demonstrates that you're listening and are on the same wave length.
Ki energy in humans moves like light and electricity with a wave length of 5-25 microns, amazingly similar as the wave length of FIR.
文能源如同光线和5 - 25微米的,令人惊讶的远红外线波长相同波长电力人类动作。
It is a tuning fork on a certain wave length, which makes up your Energetic Signature.
Moreover, the empirical formula of the wave height and the wave length of the wind wave change with the wave age is also presented.
The results show that the determination system is within the scope of widen wave length with low absorbency in blank solution and high absorbency in working solution.
OPM(Optical Performance Monitor) can measure the performance of the light in different wave length in the optical-fibre.
In this paper, the author advances two new measurable ways to improve experimental accuracy with biprism to measure wave length.
Four spectral lines with different wave length of sodium atom were selected in measuring the arc temperature by Boltzmann's Graphical Method.
The laser acupoint irradiation group were irradiated with the laser therapy machine, whose wave length is 810NM, and continual output is 500MW.
The method and equipment for wave length measurement using the isochromatic spectrum is introduced, and some approaches for improving measurement precision are discussed too.
The paper proposes a method of measuring wave length of light wave by using minimum deviation angle based on raster.
In this paper, three methods are carried out to calculate and comparative analyze the mean wave direction, the same as mean wave length with four methods.
By a quarter of wave length commutator principle, combining with electromagnetic wave absorb of filling material.
A multi wave length photo electric laser power meter of the utility model relates to a testing various wave lengths laser power dynamometer in the laser technical field.
Several parameters related to modulation wave, such as wave vector, wave length and argument phase etc.
The other method is to get half wave length and related critical buckling value with optimization.
A green phosphor display is generally used as the human eye is most sensitive to the color green in this wave length, which falls in the middle of the visible light spectrum.
Microcomputcrs automatically control infrared grating monochrometer through interface circuit, and make a precise measurement of zero dispersion wave length for optical fibre material.
The key problem of FBG sensor study is the optical fiber diffraction grating signal demodulation, namely, the detection of small shifting of wave length.
This paper derived the relations between polarization dispersion and wave length from the dielectric constant perturbation theory.
The operator half length takes to 4-6 and each wave length takes 3 sampling, then the precise wave field can be obtained.
The method of processing data by fitting calculation in the experiment of measuring the wave length with prism spectrograph is dwelt upon.
The method of processing data by fitting calculation in the experiment of measuring the wave length with prism spectrograph is dwelt upon.