MobileMe, part of an industry wave known as cloud computing, also could become a focal point for a new online music service that Apple has been developing for more than a year, the people said.
This shock wave is heating up dust, which WISE sees as the red cloud in the upper left of the image.
On the reverse, Fujiyama with a low hanging cloud over two Japanese junks above a wave scroll and the date "1945".
Explosion field of FAE are divided into three zones: cloud zone, boundary zone and shock wave zone.
A series of flammable gas cloud deflagration experiments built-in and built-out obstruction were carried out in order to study the effects of obstruction on deflagration pressure wave.
From the point of yonder rolling cloud I plunge into my past being, and revel there as the sun-burnt Indian plunges headlong into the wave that wafts him to his native shore.
To cope with the problems of statics and converted wave imaging over gas cloud area, several measures are adopted.
Chance I am a cloud in the sky, a chance shadow on the wave of your heart. Don't be surprised, Or too elated; in an instant I shall vanish without trace.
The damage area of cloud detonation shock wave increases linearly with the total energy of cloud detonation.
The present era wave deceives the cloud to be crafty, the world becomes more and more not peaceful.
The Sun, the sea, the sky, the sand, the smell, the wave, the cloud, the kite are all surroundings.
Desired converted wave images have been achieved over gas cloud area.
Increased cloud also blocks the atmospheric window and returns additional long-wave radiation to the ground.
A comparison of the X-ray image with the radio and optical images suggests that the shock wave is engulfing this massive cloud, so we see only the edge nearest the Earth.
Cloud, lightly wave to and for, imitate the Buddha an aged first the sage 's smile!
The results are: 1) Ths short wave heating rate and long wave cooling rate of cloud over plateau are larger than that over plain, especially for the low clouds;
During the daytime, the combined action of high cloud and aerosol decreases the short wave radiation and results in surface temperature decrease of 1.3 K.
白天,高云和气溶胶减少到达地面的太阳短波辐射,导致低层温度降低,地表降温达1.3 K。
They report in their paper that this is likely due to a thermal pulse where a wave of high-pressure gas mixes layers of elements like carbon and oxygen and spews them out into the surrounding cloud.
They report in their paper that this is likely due to a thermal pulse where a wave of high-pressure gas mixes layers of elements like carbon and oxygen and spews them out into the surrounding cloud.