After all, applying to every job Posting that comes your way is a good way to waste time but not an effective way to find a job you want.
Don't waste time learning a lot of useless words in isolation. The best way of learning English words is to blurt out as many authentic sentences as you can.
That way you can truly select one at random and not waste all your time trying to decide which one to explore.
There are way too many people out there (co-workers and annoying acquaintances) who waste too much of our time talking about things we don't want to hear about.
There are way too many people out there (co-workers and annoying acquaintances) who waste too much of our time talking about things we don’t want to hear about.
While SOAP is lots of fun to play with and very chic among all your geek friends, the fact is, if it doesn't offer you a way to solve your problems, it's probably going to waste a lot of time.
Have a way to get the answer - If you haven't a clue, you're going to waste time.
You'll likely discover that you spend way too much time on low priority tasks, you succumb to too many distractions, you task-switch way too often, and you waste a lot of time online.
You waste precious time by stopping at the convenience store for coffee on your way to work. Brew your own while you're getting dressed and save time and money.
I felt the same way when I went to University, believing that all the drinking and partying was mostly a waste of time.
Most employees will eventually figure out what to do (assuming they don’t get bored first or tired of trying), but they’re going to waste a lot of time feeling their way around.
If we love our lives, we shouldn't waste time. We must control time. The best way to use time is to plan it well.
Many time management systems encourage you to waste time. Here's a simple way to spend time more wisely.
We've all attended meetings that failed to start on time, ran way over, or simply felt like a waste of time because the agenda was not followed.
However, if you are smart enough to learn early and wish not to waste your precious time learning them the hard way, learn them now and apply it to your life as soon as possible.
While we may find it undesirable to "waste time" with small talk, there is no better way to benefit our careers than by engaging in office networking for few minutes a day.
In short, sending AM email me ages is not an effective way to sell your products. It's a waste of your time and that of the person who gets your unwanted me age.
There is no way to remove themes that are in CORE. Dont waste your time asking about that.
This way they dont have to waste their breath or time on some guy that does not have what they are looking for.
Don't waste time doing a lot of useless words in isolation. The best way of learning English words is to blurt out as many authentic sentences as you can.
People have to waste more time on their way home or to work and even might be involved in an accident.
The danger for marketers is that change will render the time-honored way of getting messages to consumers through TV commercials less effective at best and a waste of time and money at worst.
In short, sending SPAM email messages is not an effective way to sell your products. It's a waste of your time and that of the person who gets your unwanted message.
Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells that he can't find the way to get the right answer.
Many time management systems encourage you to waste time. Here's a simple way to spend time more wisely.
But I said no. I was certain that her efforts, which might in any case come to nothing, would waste more time than it would take for me to get half way there.
If you think that watching television news programs or reading newspapers is a waste of time, you could be right because it is the way most people may want to digest their leisure hours.
If you think that watching television news programs or reading newspapers is a waste of time, you could be right because it is the way most people may want to digest their leisure hours.