B: It depends. If I have my holiday the same as she, then we go together.
A red fish small leaves quietly said: "My family can be fun, you and we go together to escape."
"Having to open the umbrella to leave, a female student said:" Teacher, your umbrella can take two individuals, we go together!
As we go together, we will draw inspiration from heroic and selfless ACTS — friends who helped friends, took care of each other and saved lives.
Last Saturday my friend Jake wanted to buy a new CD, so we decided to go shopping together.
If we can come again next year, perhaps we can all go to the rodeo together.
We can neither get together often nor go to crowded places during the special period.
Although we have to go our separate ways now, I hope we can value the happy time we spent together.
Anna Alexyevna and I used to go to the theatre together, always walking there; we used to sit side by side in the stalls, our shoulders touching.
The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors' houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, "Trick or treat!"
But before I talk about where we need to go together, let's consider how far we've come.
Why don't we have dinner together at half past six, then go to the cinema.
We both liked to go for long walks and occasionally took a day-long walk across country together.
So although we're able to eat meals together, we're able to go on vacations together and take classes together, death is something we all have to do by ourselves.
I don't know Helen very well,but we go for an occasional dinner together./ but we occasionally have dinner together.
I struggled mightily with math and science and my mother would wake me up at 6 am on weekends so we could go over math drills together for hours.
I give Louis a nudge, and we go down together.
So just let us know your schedule, and we can get together to go sightseeing at your convenience.
There are more opportunities for people of different groups to come together and interact - where we live, work and go to school.
These days, when we go to a party, we arrive and leave together, but in between we'll mingle separately.
Before we go too far, we'd like to spend a few minutes getting to know you better and talking about some agreements for working together.
Wednesday nights we would all go out and eat cakes together, or just have a cheat night and get together.
MARGE LUBELEY: "I usually get together with adaughter and a granddaughter and we go out to dinner and exchange gifts.
Patterns and code go together, and we were still focusing on the code... we said: we are doing things differently.
As we go though this process we are determined to use kindness and understanding to get through this together.
And let us go forward together to champion these freedoms for our time, for our young people who deserve every opportunity we can give them.
And let us go forward together to champion these freedoms for our time, for our young people who deserve every opportunity we can give them.