Family owners used to say, 'let the gringos innovate, we live for the fiesta'.
We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been happening for a long time.
There are too many things that we live on but there are too little things that we live for.
Don't you have a sense of responsibility in this great age of vicissitudes? Can we live for ourselves only?
We live for the now and rightly so, as the yeas roll by, partly I think, We should be busy inventing our future.
We are all twisted and sick, misunderstood and in pain. Yet we live for those moments of parting clouds and warm smiles.
To accept competition - and we live for competition - it is not to accept artificial rules and that is why I am against it.
We shall never be separated, for we live for Christ, and now we are united with Christ as we go toward him . . . we shall all be together in Christ.
We should make every effort to protect our valuable drinking water, for we can't live without it.
"Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods" such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and entertainment.
They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.
Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.
As individuals, we don't serve a similar function for the companies where we work or the communities where we live.
If we give the adult tree proper care, it will go on to live healthily for many years.
I think it is inconceivable to believe that we can live him there for more time.
We intend to generate among all people a sense of personal responsibility for the environment in which we live.
Kristof and others constantly romanticize the life they imagine we live, or used to live, and I wouldn't trade it for any other.
The question we have to ask is, what's the difference between choreography for a live performance and choreography for on-screen viewing?
We were expecting a live band for the occasion which is always fun, but apparently this has been cancelled due to illness.
No matter, there is still the underlying idea that we cannot have a life of our own without concern for the ecosystem in which we live, whether in majesty or not.
"We provide live prey for them, without them realizing it comes from people," Di Martino said.
For several reasons we decided to live on a small town on Vancouver Island, where was close to one of my sons.
"You could find wealthy parents buying the latest 'upgrades' for their children, leading to even greater unfairness than we already live with," Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics told BBC News.
"Thanks to others' help, we live much more happily than before," Tani's father, Kayoed, told TIME for Kids.
A Department of Health spokesperson said: "We need to create a new vision for public health where all of society works together to get healthy and live longer.
“We want to live like people, not animals, and we will die for that,” one woman exclaims.
Luckily for us, we live in an age where books are plentiful and relatively inexpensive.
Luckily for us, we live in an age where books are plentiful and relatively inexpensive.